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The Four Transcendent Lords (bde gshegs gtso bo bzhi)....
1. Yingkyi Yum Chenmo (dbyings kyi yum chen mo).........aka: Satrig Ersang, Lhamo (sa trig er sangs, lha mo: Goddess)....Great Mother of Wisdom, Yum Chenmo......
2. Lhachen Shen lha Okar (lha chen g.shen lha 'od dkar, Lha chen)...
3. Sid pa Sangpo Bumtri (srid pa sangs po 'bum khri)...
4. Tonpa Shenrab Miwo (ston pa g.shen rab mi bo)....
These four are also known as: Lhamo, Lhachen, Sidpa and Shenrab (lha mo, lha chen, srid pa, g.shen rab)......
gShen-lha od-dkar......."In Tibetan Bon-religion, the god of the 'white light' who forms with the goddess Yum-chen-mo the primeval pair of gods. All the other gods are their descendants. In Lamaism he is the god of wisdom........In Tibet Prajnaparamita is known as Yum Chenmo or the “Great Mother” and features prominently in the Chod dharma system created by one of the most well known yoginis Machik Labdron (approx. 1055-1150 AD) who is considered to be an emanation of Yum Chenmo.....Jerome Edou quotes Machik's biography in his book Machig Labdron and the foundations of Chod with this description of Yum Chenmo given to Machik Labdron by the Bodhisattva Tara Herself to explain why she manifests in an anthropomorphic manner: "The Primodial Mother, Yum Chenmo, is the ultimate nature of all phenomenon, emptiness, suchness [Skt. Dharmata], free from the two veils. She is the pure essence of the sphere of emptiness, the insight on non-self. She is the matrix that gives birth to all the Buddhas of the three times. However, to give beings the opportunity to accumulate spirtual merits, she manifests as an object of veneration." Micha F. Lindemans.....…..
"Satrig Ersang, ས་ཏྲིག་ཨེར་སངས། The Mother of Space, Supreme Deity of the Bön religion of Tibet, also called Yum Chen Mo, Great Goddess, and Byams-Ma ("The Mother of Tender Compassion").".....
"In the Bön religion, Sipe Gyalmo, the Queen of the World, is the most wrathful manifestation of the peaceful Goddess, Sherab Chamma – Loving Mother of Wisdom, who is the principal meditational form of Satrig Ersang of the Four Transcendent Lords. Sherab Chamma, also called in Tibetan language “Thugje Chamma”, (the loving mother of compassion) is considered in the Bön tradition to be the Gyalyum (rgyal yum), the Mother of all Buddhas. She embodies the perfection of wisdom. In the Buddhist tradition of India Chamma is called Prajnaparamita or Tara, the ‘saviouress.'” ...
Mantra Video on Youtube..........
"Satrig Ersang.......(Tibetan: sa trig er sangs): the principal female deity of the Bon Religion. Satrig Ersang ranks with the highest of Bon Deities/Gods being included as one of the four Transcendent Lords and named first among them. She is typically only depicted in the company of the Four Transcendent Lords and together they form a set of paintings, sculptural figures or murals that are generally found in each and every Bon temple or shrine. In paintings she is commonly surrounded by the two hundred and fifty sanggye (enlightened ones) .... all female. Each of the four Transcendent Lords is surrounded by a similar group making a total of 1000 sanggye of the Bon Tradition. In the West this assembly of 1000 has often been mistaken for the 1000 Buddhas of the aeon according to the Buddhist -Mahayana Tradition........Description: Peaceful in appearance, female and beautiful, Satrig Ersang has one face and two hands. Typically she has the two hands held at the heart holding the stems of two flowers supporting a yungdrung on the right side and a mirror on the left above the shoulders. The two legs are in a tight cross legged posture. Sherab Chamma is another form of Satrig Ersang and can be thought of as an activity manifestation of Satrig Ersang where she takes on the roles of a meditational deityy, a deity of healing such as Yeshe Walmo, and in her most horrific of appearances as Sipai Gyalmo ... the principal protector of the Bon Religion......".....
"Yum Chenmo/Prajnaparamita/The Great Mother......Yum Chenmo, or Prajnaparamita in Sanskrit meaning Transcendent Perfection of Wisdom. She is depicted in feminine form because it is this perfect wisdom which gives birth to all of the Buddhas, as well as the bodhisattvas, those who are striving for enlightenment to benefit all beings. Yum Chenmo represents the union of primordial wisdom and the skillful means of compassion......Prajnaparamita is often personified as a bodhisattvadevi (female bodhisattva). Artifacts from Nalanda depict the Prajnaparamita personified as a goddess. .....
"Shenlha Ökar...... (Wylie: gshen lha 'od dkar) or Shiwa Ökar (Wylie: zhi ba 'od dkar) is the most important deity in the Yungdrung Bon tradition of Tibet. He is counted among the "Four Transcendent Lords" (Wylie: bde bar gshegs pa) along with Satrig Ersang (Sherab Chamma), Sangpo Bumtri, and Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche.......Shenlha Ökar means "wisdom gshen of white light;" the variant Shiwa Okar means "peaceful white light." The Bon term gShen can mean "priest or shaman" or possibly in this case "deity who is a priest." In some accounts he is considered the sambhogakāya form of Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche, the founder of Bon (the nirmāṇakāya aspect). In other accounts, he is visited by Shenrab Miwoche when Miwoche is in a prior incarnation known as Salwa. Additionally, some categorize him as "corresponding exactly to the Buddhist category of dharmakāya."......Shenlha Okar is said to have created the world with the help of nine brother gods or nine cosmic gods (See: The Golden Dot text by Chogyam Trungpa)..... (Wylie: srid pa'i lha) who appear as war gods or drala (Wylie: dgra bla). He is also considered a god of compassion with many parallels to Avalokiteśvara and also with Amitābha....Shenlha Okar is depicted with a white body "like the essence of crystal," ".....
"Sherab Chamma, the Wisdom Loving Mother, is the embodiment of loving compassion......Yum Chen Sherab Chamma (The Great Wisdom Loving Mother) is known as the Mother of all Enlightened Ones and source of all love and Compassion.......All Bön deities come from Chamma, she is the compassionate and wise mother of all. Chamma is the feminine counterpart to Shenlha Odkar. Her body is also “dzo ku,” the body of perfection. Chamma is available to everyone for comfort, guidance and healing as she has the power to dispel all obstacles such as fear, sickness, sadness or negative impact of demonic forces. She is thereby able to prolong life. Chamma holds a mirror in her left hand. This mirror represents the purity of Chamma heart as reflected in a perfect understanding of the karma and suffering of all beings. The vase in her right hand contains the essence of the potential hopes, dreams and accomplishments of all who are committed to Chamma. Her throne is supported, like Shenlha Odkar, by two snow lions representing her supremacy over all life."......
"BÖN DEITIES.......Enlightened beings are often depicted as deities, although they are not seen as gods (lha), who are still within the samsaric cycle of existence, but rather as fully enlightened buddhas. They may appear in either peaceful form or in wrathful forms, and are the focus of deity yoga meditation practice and invocations for protection......
THE FOUR SUGATAS.......Within the Bön tradition, there are Four Principal Sugatas (Conqueror Buddhas), referred to as the Four Peaceful Deities:
1. Sangpo Bumtri: the Creator Dharmakaya Deity
2. Sherab Chamma: the mother of all Buddhas. She embodies the perfection of wisdom and love. She is also known as Satrig Ersang, her Zhang Zhung name.....Yum Chen Sherab Chamma (The Great Wisdom Loving Mother) is known as the Mother of all Enlightened Ones and source of all love and Compassion......All Bön deities come from Chamma, she is the compassionate and wise mother of all. Chamma is the feminine counterpart to Shenlha Odkar. Her body is also “dzo ku,” the body of perfection. Chamma is available to everyone for comfort, guidance and healing as she has the power to dispel all obstacles such as fear, sickness, sadness or negative impact of demonic forces. She is thereby able to prolong life. Chamma holds a mirror in her left hand. This mirror represents the purity of Chamma heart as reflected in a perfect understanding of the karma and suffering of all beings. The vase in her right hand contains the essence of the potential hopes, dreams and accomplishments of all who are committed to Chamma. Her throne is supported, like Shenlha Odkar, by two snow lions representing her supremacy over all life..
3. Shenlha Okar: the God of Compassion, a Sambhogakaya emanation of Sangpo Bumtri’s love in the world working within Lord Tonpa Shenrab.....the Deity (lha) is Shenlha Odkar....the deity of Supreme Compassion. Out of his compassion the Bon teachings and practices have grown to assist all sentient beings on the path to liberation. He is the master teacher of all teachers and teaching has become his primary activity. Odkar means ‘white light’ and his body of light is pearlescent, the body of perfection (dzog ku). Shenlha Odkar is always dressed in elaborate, ceremonial robes with his hands in the meditation mudra. He sits on a throne supported by two snow lions, which represent Shenlha Odkar’s supremacy over all life forms.
4. Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche (Lord Buddha Tonpa): the Nirmanakaya Buddha and World Teacher.
June 2015
John Hopkins....Northern New Mexico
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