

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ancient Central Asian Kingdoms & Shambala


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"Some scholars believe that a number of mythological rulers of ancient Iran, especially some kings of Kavi Dynasty (Kayanian in Persian....The Kayanian, also Kays or Kayanids or Kaianids or kiani, are a dynasty of Greater Iranian tradition and folklore. Considered collectively, the Kayanian Kings are the heroes of the Avesta, the sacred texts of Zoroastrianism, and of the Shahnameh, Iran's national epic.) were historically local rulers of an area centered around Balkh.....As an epithet of kings and the reason why the dynasty is so called, Middle- and New Persian "Kay(an)" is a continuation of Avestan kavi (or kauui) "king" and also "poet-sacrificer" or "poet-priest." The word is also etymologically related to the Avestan notion of kavaēm kharēno, the "divine royal glory" that the Kayanian kings were said to hold. The Kiani Crown is a physical manifestation of that belief.."......

"Alexander the Great adopted Persian royal dress and attempted to impose the Persian court ceremonial of prostration (proskynesis) on the Greeks (to no avail)....... Proskynesis: Greek name of the ritual greeting at the eastern courts. The first to describe proskynesis ('kissing towards') was the Greek researcher Herodotus of Halicarnassus, who lived in the fifth century BCE. He writes: "When the Persians meet one another in the roads, you can see whether those who meet are of equal rank. For instead of greeting by words, they kiss each other on the mouth; but if one of them is inferior to the other, they kiss one another on the cheeks, and if one is of much less noble rank than the other, he falls down before him and worships him."....To the Greeks prostrating, bowing or kneeling were unacceptable. In their view, these acts were only allowed in front of a god.

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"Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche....Shambhala Root Texts.....The Court Vision and Practice ". . . a unique blend of classical wisdom combined with the Dorje Dradül’s insight and pure vision. . . . A template of how heaven, earth, and humanity can be joined."—The Sakyong, Jampal Trinley Dradül, from the Foreword.
Now available in hardcover for the first time, this fifth—and probably final—edition of The Court Vision and Practice, by the Dorje Dradül of Mukpo, has been updated with forewords by Sakyong Jampal Trinley Dradül and the Druk Sakyong Wangmo Lady Diana Mukpo. It also includes a preface by Sir Martin Janowitz and an afterword by the editor, Carolyn Gimian.
This powerful little book was written in 1977 "In order to free this world from the dark age of materialism, and to promote great vision and the splendour of vast mind beyond poverty and pettiness," says the Dorje Dradül in his introduction. It accomplishes its mandate by providing us with guidance about the structural and governing principles of Shambhala, as well as a panoramic view of a society rooted in basic goodness. As Martin Janowitz writes in the preface, "Court Vision illuminates the Dorje Dradül’s wisdom about how to fulfil the best of what any role within a society could be. It provides insight about how to be a warrior in training or in action—whether as a citizen, a leader, or even a king or queen."
Vajradhatu Publications ....Hardcover, 6 x 9" .....118 pp. ......Available to those who have completed Shambhala Kalapa Assembly or Rigden Abhisheka......

"Jamshid (Persian: جمشید‎, Jamshīd) (Middle- and New Persian: جم, Jam) (Avestan: Yima) is a mythological figure of Greater Iranian culture and tradition.....In tradition and folklore, Jamshid is described as having been the fourth and greatest king of the epigraphically unattested Pishdadian Dynasty.....The name Jamshid is originally a compound of two parts, Jam and shid, corresponding to the Avestan names Yima and Xšaēta, (Xšaitah meant "bright, shining" or "radiant".).....derived from the proto-Iranian Yamah Xšaitah......There are also a few functional parallels between Avestan Yima and Sanskrit Yama, for instance, Yima was the son of Vivaŋhat, who in turn corresponds to the Vedic Vivasvat, "he who shines out", a divinity of the Sun. .....Jamshid had now become the greatest monarch the world had ever known. He was endowed with the royal farr (Avestan: khvarena), a radiant splendor that burned about him by divine favor. One day he sat upon a jewel-studded throne and the divs who served him raised his throne up into the air and he flew through the sky.....Jamshid was said to have had a magical seven-ringed cup, the Jām-e Jam which was filled with the elixir of immortality and allowed him to observe the universe......"...

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"ANCIENT KINGDOMS...."the Four Sons of Heaven, the rulers of the four great countries of the Asiatic world: China, India, Iran, Throm in the north with King Gesar." (Stein:1972, pg280)...Gesar's traditional four enemies were China to the East, India to the South, Tag zig (Persia?) to the west, and Hor to the North." (Norbu:1995, pg 225)..."In Jambudvipa there were six great countries where the true doctrine was propagated: India, Tibet, China, Khotan, Shambhala, and Kailash." (H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche (1904-1987): History of the Nyingma Lineage)......"Three priests were sent for from Kha che, Bru sha, and Shang shung." (Bansal: 41)...."the translators were from Tazig, Zhang Zhung, Sumpa (Shang Shung term for Amdo), China, and Khrom." (Wangyal: 32).... "Kashgar, Khotan, Karashahr, and Kucha (the four garrisons) were defeated by the Arabs in 751 and the whole of inner Asia was lost." (Knobloch: 224)...Four earthly paradises: Basrah, Damascus, Fars, Valley of Samarkand" (LeStrange: 47)

"Khorasan" is derived from Middle Persian khwar (meaning "sun") and āsān (or ayan literally meaning "to come" or "coming" or "about to come"), hence meaning "land where the sun rises."


John Hopkins.....Northern New Mexico….December 2014


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