

Friday, December 14, 2012

ASHE: The Powerful Existence Arising Out of Basic Goodness


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Ashe on Shikishi.....First thought, boldly represented as primordial stroke. Ashe on white or gold shikishi board.....

ASHE: ..... 'A' means "first" and "last"; it also means "the manifestation of nonexistence," and it can also mean "power" or "a storehouse of power." Such power is not the gift of external agents of any kind. It is reawakened power which exists naturally. Fire has power of its own; wind has power of its own; earth has power of its own; space has power of its own. Such power has neither beginning nor end, and such power exists in you, individually, inseparable from basic goodness. A is that fundamental, basic openness, space, imperturbable and peaceful. 'SHE' means "stroke" or "form" and it could also mean "visual manifestation." So ASHE altogether means "the powerful existence arising out of basic goodness."

"The Warrior Assembly, the jewel of Shambhala Training and the culmination of the Sacred Path program, is a living teaching in creating enlightened society. Participants receive the transmission of advanced Shambhala warriorship practices and study the root text and commentary, The Golden Sun of the Great East. This text describes the principles and practice of Ashe, a simple and powerful practice that enables one to transform confusion and hesitation into wisdom and authenticity.....

There are three requirements before a student may begin a practice:
1. the empowerment (Tibetan: wang)
2. a reading of the text by an authorized holder of the practice (Tibetan: lung)
3. instruction on how to perform the practice or rituals (Tibetan: tri).
An individual is not allowed to engage in a deity practice without the empowerment for that practice. The details of an empowerment ritual are often kept secret as are the specific rituals involved in the deity practice.

During the Sacred Path weekends and Warriors Assembly, students study Shambhala texts composed by Chögyam Trungpa, as well as practices such as that of the stroke of ashé. The stroke of ashé was first produced on the night of October 25, 1976, while Trungpa was leading a three-month seminary in Land O' Lakes, Wisconsin. It was followed by subsequent texts, some of which were considered to be terma, which were received over the next few years.

The Buddha is said to have taught the Kalachakra Tantra at Dhanyakataka in South India. His main disciple, King Suchandra, subsequently took the teachings back to Shambhala where he built a magnificent Kalachakra mansion....In Dhannyakataka stupa, when Buddha proclaimed " Kalachakra", ninety seven kings headed by Sucandra, flew from Shambala under magical powers......In the Indo-Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist tradition, there are thirty-two Kings of Shambhala, a mythical kingdom.....The first notable king of Shambhala, King Suchandra (sometimes wrongly Sanskritized as "Chandrabhadra," Tib. Dawa Sangpo), was the one who requested teaching from the Buddha. In response to his request, the Buddha gave the first Kalachakra root tantra. By practicing the Kalachakra the whole of Shambhala became an enlightened society, with Suchandra as the ruler.


Raising Windhorse:
KI KI: Take your seat
SO SO: Feel heaven and earth
ASHE: Switch on (Abrupt leap, click in.)
LHA: Be genuine
GYELO: Radiate to space

The earliest certain ancestor of "A" is aleph (also called 'aleph), the first letter of the Phoenician alphabet (which, by consisting entirely of consonants, is an abjad rather than a true alphabet). In turn, the origin of aleph may have been a pictogram of an ox head in Egyptian hieroglyphs...... In the earliest Greek inscriptions after the Greek Dark Ages, dating to the 8th century BC, the letter rests upon its side.....In English, the letter A currently represents six different vowel sounds.....

Om Ah Hum explained......The syllables OM AH HUM have outer, inner, and "secret" meanings. At each of these levels, however, OM stands for the body, AH for the speech, and HUM for the mind. They represent the transformative blessings of the body, speech, and mind of all the buddhas. Externally OM purifies all the negative actions committed through your body, AH through your speech, and HUM through your mind. By purifying your body, speech, and mind, OM AH HUM grants the blessing of the body, speech, and mind of the buddhas. ...OM is also the essence of form, AH the essence of sound, and HUM the essence of mind. So by reciting this mantra, you are also purifying the environment, as well as yourself and all other beings within it. OM purifies all perceptions, AH all sounds, and HUM the mind, its thoughts and emotions. ...Found at

Ah, in traditional explanations, is usually said to be connected with speech (more about that in a moment) but in Sanskrit “ah” is a verb meaning “to express , signify ; to call (by name).” So it suggests evoking, or calling forth, the manifestation of enlightenment.

AH SO.....Common Japanese expression, short for "ah so desu ka". ..... "oh, that's how it is."

Ah: The Sanskrit syllable or mantra “Ah” is the essence of all phenomena, known as shunyata or emptiness; the formless ground out of which creation emerges. Ah symbolizes the word or speech of all the Buddhas; the Speech Vajra of the Buddhas. Ah is associated with the Body of Bliss, the color ruby red, and the throat of the tantric practitioner. The syllable Ah helps to dissolve difficulties in speech. It brings awareness of one‟s speech; words are no longer harmful or confused but filled with the compassion and wisdom that benefits others.......

The Collected Works of Chogyam Trungpa, Volume 8: Great Eastern Sun ... By Chogyam Trungp......;postID=7021898495437071404

The Letter of the Black Ashe is a beautiful hardbound edition of a Shambhala root text by Dorje Dradül of Mukpo. It features cloth binding with gold-lettered spine, a gold scorpion seal on the front cover, and blue endpapers. This second edition of the text has been re-edited, using gender-inclusive language wherever possible. In addition, other amendments have been made based on a re-examination of the original Tibetan manuscript and the initial translation by Dorje Dradül of Mukpo. Here the Tibetan appears alongside the English. Translated from the Tibetan by the Vajravairochana Translation Committee under the direction of Dorje Dradül of Mukpo. ...Vajradhatu Publications ...Hardcover, 6" x 9" .....22 pp. ....Available only to those authorized to receive it....

"Certain Shambhala practices derive from specific terma texts of Trungpa Rinpoche's such as Letter of the Black Ashe, Letter of the Golden Key that Fulfills Desire, Golden Sun of the Great East, and the Scorpion Seal of the Golden Sun, in long and short versions. Trungpa Rinpoche is believed by his students to have received these teachings directly from Gesar of Ling, an emanation of Padmasambhava, and the Rigden kings. Their terma status was confirmed by the Nyingma master Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche....The Shambhala dharma practices derived entirely or in part from these texts include those of werma, drala, Wind Horse (Tib. lungta), and meditations on four "dignities of Shambhala": tiger (tib. tak), lion (Tib. seng), garuda (Tib. kyung) and dragon (Tib. druk). Jamgon Ju Mipham Gyatso, a great 19th century Nyingma lama and the predecessor of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, wrote about many of these practices and concepts as well. Some, such as the "stroke of Ashé", have no known precedents"....

Trungpa, Chogyam...."Dharma Art"....1996
Trungpa..."The Pon Way of Life" in Himalayan Anthropology...1978 (Reprinted in "The Heart of the Buddha": 1991)
Trungpa...."Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism"...1973
Chogyam Trungpa..."Shambhala, The Sacred Path of the Warrior"...1984


John Hopkins.....Northern New Mexico….December 2012


1 comment:

  1. please tell me where i can purchase the ashe with the golden background.
