

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Mother Tantras: Milu Samlek…Prince of Tazig /Persia (7th century AD)


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"Within the Bon tradition, there are three cycles of Mother Tantras: Outer, Inner, and Secret. For each, there is a root text or texts with a body of exegetical and liturgical works subordinate to the root text. Milu Samlek wrote separate commentaries for each of the three cycles……"……

"According to the Secret Mother Tantra texts, Milu Samlek then composed three commentaries….."

"…. the Bön Three Root Mother Tantras known as the Ma-rgyud Sangs-rgyas rGyud gSum (pr. Magyu Sangye Gyu Sum), the Three Buddhahood Tantras, using the commentary by Mi-lus bSam-legs (pronounced Milu Samlek), the Prince of the region of Tazig around the 7th or 8th century….Hidden in the 8th century, these texts were rediscovered in the 10th century by Guru rNon-rtse [pr. Guru Nontse]. These Tantras have an emphasis on practices of the Completion Stage, rDzogs-rim."….

"…. transmitted in Sanskrit to a retinue of skygoers amongst whom the principal was Zangza Ringtsun (bZang za ring btsun, "Goodwife Longexcellence"), an emanation of the great Cham Ma (Byams ma, "Loving Mother"). The Teachings of the Mother Tantra were revealed by her to three teachers who propagated the Mother Tantra in three different among the Nagas in the netherworld, and Milu Samlek (Mi lus bsant legs) among humanity on earth."….

"…The mysterious land of Ölmo Lungring (`ol-mo lung-rings) or Ölmoling (`ol-mo`i gling) is said to be part of a larger geographical region to the northwest of Tibet called Tazig (stag-gzig, var. rtag-gzigs), which scholars identify with Iran or, more properly, Central Asia where in ancient times Iranian languages such as Avestan and later Sogdian were spoken."…..

" Bactria in the north-east of Iran-shahr, the classical heartland of the Iranian-Aryan empire. Ancient Bactria was a large kingdom and the capital of not just the kingdom of Bactria, but the Iranian-Aryan empire as well. The Bactrian kingdom would have included Central Asia and what we know of today as the five countries whose names end with -stan, the Persian word for place or country."…..

MI LUS BSAM LEGS...revealor of the Bon Mother Tantras ("Human Body Good Thought")…..Bsam Legs: Good Thought…..

"Vohu Manah (Good Mind or Good Thought) is the principal Zoroastrian archangel, and revealed the truths of Zoroastrianism to Zoroaster, the founder of the religious tradition…….Vohu Manah is the Avestan language term for a Zoroastrian concept, generally translated as "Good Purpose" or "Good Mind" (cognate with Sanskrit su-manas), referring to the good moral state of mind that enables an individual to accomplish his duties…Vohu Manah is an Amesha Spenta, one of six "divine sparks" of Ahura Mazda that each represent one facet of creation.."….

….."Anu Thragthak the Bon pandit of Tazig…."on the slopes of Mount Meru.….Then Anu Thragthak, the Bon pandit of Tazig, received the teachings, practiced Chod Practice in the Bon Tradition. Chod practice in Tibet's indigenous Bon tradition. Chod ("Cutting Through") is a meditative practice in which the practitioner imagines offering their body in sacrifice through elaborate contemplative visualization."…….Chod Practice in the Bon Tradition by Alejandro Chaou…Snow Lion Publications...2009

"The doctrine taught by Tonpa Shenrab and recorded in these three accounts was spread by his disciples to adjacent countries such as Zhang-zhung, India, Kashmir, China, and finally reached Tibet. Its transmission was secured by siddhas and scholars who translated texts from the language of Zhang-zhung into Tibetan……Of Tonpa Shenrab's many disciples, the foremost was Mucho Demdrug (Mu cho lDem drug), who in his turn taught many students, the most important of whom were the 'Six Great Translators': Mutsha Trahe (dMu tsha Tra he) of Tazig."….

"Mount Kailash of northwestern Tibet has been equated with Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring by some scholars.…. to the Bonpo …. Mount Kailash and Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring are qualitatively and essentially, different realms. Historical Bon texts state explicitly that the sacred mountain of Mount Kailash is central to the kingdom of Zhangzhung."…..

"…..Tibet maintained a busy traffic of people, ideas, cultural and spiritual exchanges with Khotan, Drusha (Gilgit), Tagzik (Persia), and the other Uighur tribes of Drugu….Shangshung was made up of three divisons: inner, middle and outer divisions. Inner Shang-shung was at a distance of three months' journey on horseback from Kang Tise (Mount Kailash) to the places of Mesar Parsi and Bata-sha in the north. Mesar Parsi is the name for Tagzik in the old Tibetan documents and covered present-day Iran. Beta-shan used to be in the north-cast of Tagzik in the region of the Pamir Mountains range. According to Khe-pai Ga-ton (20), at the time the land between India and Tagzik was called Gur-na-la-tra where lived a Bon priest called Asha……the White Annals conjectures that most of the ancient Tibetan kings and ministers adopted the social customs of Tagzik (Persia). The turban worn by Songsten Gompo, the outer overall of brocade and the upturn shoes were all adaptations of the social customs of Tagzik. In the Chinese imperial painting depicting the Tibetan minister Gar Tongsten meeting the Chinese emperor Ta'i Tsung in the 7th century, the Tibetan minister is depicted as wearing either Muslim or Tagzik garments."…..

Avestan….. formerly also known as "Zend" or "Old Bactrian", is an East Iranian language known only from its use as the language of Zoroastrian scripture, i.e. the Avesta, from which it derives its name. Its area of composition comprised – at least – Arachosia/Sīstān, Herat, Merv and Bactria….

Marco Alejandro Chaoul…" The Mother Tantras "represent an important esoteric tradition of Bon belonging to the system of A dkar ba [the way of the white A], the seventh in the [stages of] Nine Ways of Bon (theg pa rim dgu)…….Among the Bon Tantras, the Mother, and the Father Tantras (pha rgyud) comprise the highest classes. Their method of practice is transformation (bsgyur ba), and whereas in the Father Tantras the generation stage (bskyed rim) is emphasized (including intricate visualizations of deities and their mandala), in the Mother Tantras the completion stage (rdzogsrim) is stressed.
The Mother Tantra is attributed "within the [root] texts themselves to Kuntu Zangpo (Kun tu bzang po [Samantabhadra, "Totally Good One"]), the Primordial Buddha Himself;"…. a characteristic that is shared with other Bon and Nyingma high tantra and dzogchen texts. And has the quite unique characteristic that the male aspect represents the emptiness quality and the female aspect the clarity of the Natural State, which is usually inverted in other tantric texts. Furthermore, "[t]he Mother Tantra is also unique among the Higher Tantras as a whole because, whereas it does employ the transformational process of the Kyerim [generation stage] and the Dzogrim [completion stage], its overall view is that of Dzogchen.” Dzogchen is the highest teaching in this tradition, and its method of practice is of self-liberation (rang grol) into the non-dual single essence (thig le nyaggtig).
According to the Bon tradition, the Root Texts of the Secret Mother Tantra are said to be originated in the dimension of Bon (ban sku), shared by the male and female Primordial Buddhas in the "Eternal Divine language" (gyung drung lha'i skad), then transmitted in Sanskrit to a retinue of skygoers amongst whom the principal was Zangza Ringtsun (bZang za ring btsun, "Goodwife Long excellence"), an emanation of the great Cham Ma (Byams ma, "Loving Mother"). The Teachings of the Mother Tantra were revealed by her to three teachers who propagated the Mother Tantra in three different among the Nagas in the netherworld, and Milu Samlek (Mi lus bsant legs) among humanity on earth.
According to the Secret Mother Tantra texts, Milu Samlek then composed three commentaries in order to elucidate their meaning, and transmitted the teachings to his disciple Mushen Namkha Nangwa Dogchen (dMu gshen nam mkha' snang ba'i mdog can). The latter, after practicing on the slopes of Mount Kailash, bestowed the initiation and instructions to the Bon pandit Anu Tragtak (A nu 'phrag thag)f who in turn handed this teachings down to Sene Gau (Sad na ga'u) of Zhang Zhung. Sene Gau translated the teachings from Zhang zhung to Tibetan. It was during his time that the first persecution of Bon teachings and practitioners took place, under the reign of the Tibetan Buddhist king Drigum Tsenpo (Gri gum btsan po, ca. 683 B.C.E.), and therefore, "the custodianship of these texts of the ma rgyud was delivered by Sad ne ga'u into the hands of the six Dakinis of the Path, the Jarama (bya ra ma) or watchers,"….. "who served as the 'treasure protectors'." Under king Trisong Detsen (Khri srong Ide btsan, 790-848 C.E.) the Bonpos suffered a second persecution, and it was not until the twelfth century that the Secret revelation of the Mother Tantras were rediscovered by Guru Nontse (Gu ru rnon rise) in the rock of Dungpor (Dung phor bkra shis) near the village of Tanag (rTa nag) in the central province of Tsang, "[h]ence this collection of Terma became known by the name of the Dung phor ma." OkarResearchNotes…Guru Nontse then gave this collection of teachings to Zhonu (gZhon nu). But the Secret Mother Tantra Cycle was not the only Mother Tantra Cycle."…..Marco Alejandro Chaoul - Ancient-Yogic Practices in the Bon Religion ……M. Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, Ph.D., was authorized to teach meditation and Trul Khor (Magical Movement) Tibetan Yoga by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in 1995. He has also studied with Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, among others, and is a senior student and instructor at Ligmincha Institute….Chaoul-Reich is the mind-body intervention specialist at University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston….Chaoul-Reich also teaches internationally in both English and Spanish.

Chod Practice in the Bon Tradition…..By Alejandro Chaou..Snow Lion Publications...2009

Magical Movements ('phrul 'khor): Ancient Yogic Practices in the Bon Religion and Contemporary Medical Perspectives Marco Alejandro Chaoul's doctoral dissertation Rice University 2006

Enlightened Rainbows: The Life and Works of Shardza Tashi Gyeltsen……By Jean-Luc Achar

Mandala Cosmogony: Human Body Good Thought and the Revelation of the Secret ...By Dan Martin

Treasury of Good Sayings: A Tibetan History of Bon….edited by Samten G. Karmey

Jean-Marc des Jardins, “The records of Tshul khrims mchog rgyal on the Black Phur pa cycle of theTibetan Bon pos”, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines…..J.F. Marc des Jardins, Concordia Universit


John Hopkins.....Northern New Mexico….December 2013


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