

Thursday, November 28, 2013



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Allione, Tsultrim..."Women of Wisdom"...1984
Aris, Michael..."Hidden Treasures and Secret Lives"...1989
Aris(ed)..."Tibetan Studies in Honor of Hugh Richardson"...(1979)
Aziz,Barbara (ed)..."Soundings in Tibetan Civilization"...1985
Bansal, B.L..."Bon: Its Encounter with Buddhism In Tibet"...1994
Barron,Richard (Trans)..."Buddhahood Without Meditation"...1994
Beyer, Stephan...."Magic and Ritual in Tibet".....1989
Blondeau..."The Biographies of Padma Sambhava"...1980
Brauen..."The Mandala"....1997
Cabezon, Jose..."Tibetan Literature"...1996
Chandra Das, S...."Tibetan English Dictionary of Sanskrit Synonyms"....(Kyoto:1979)
Chandra..."Kongtruls Encyclopedia of Indo-Tibetan Culture"...1970 (See: Smith)
Chophel, Norbu..."Folk Culture of Tibet"...1983
Clifford, Terry..."The Diamond Healing"....1984
Csomo de Koros..."Tibetan Studies"...1912
David-Neel, Alexandra..."With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet"...1931
H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche..."Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, its Fundamentals and History"...1991
Ekvall, Robert..."Religious Observances in Tibet"...(U of Chicago Press:1964)
Feigon, Lee..."Demystifying Tibet"...1996
Francke, H.B...."gZerMyig: Book VII...(In Asia Major: Dec 1950)
Gold, Peter..."Navajo and Tibetan Sacred Wisdom: The Circle of the Spirit" 1994
Gyatso, Janet...."Apparitions of the Self: Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary"...1998
Gyaltsen..."The Clear Mirror: Tibet's Golden Age"...1996
Johnson,Sandy..."The Book of Tibetan Elders"...1996
Jones, Schuyler..."Tibetan Nomads"...1996
Karmay, Samten..."The Great Perfection"... 1988
Karmay..."A General Introduction to the History and Doctrines of Bon" in "Memoirs of the Toyo Bunko"...Tokyo:1975
Karmay...Secret Visions of the Fifth Dalai Lama"...1991
Karmay..."The Windhorse and the Well Being of Man"...(Brauen 1993)
Karmay..."The Origin Myths of the First King" in 'Tibetan Studies' (ed: Kvaerne)...1994
Karmay..."Treasury of Good Sayings"...1972
Kohn, Richard..."A Prayer to the God of the Plain" (in Lopez:1997)
Kongtrul, Jamgon (Lodro Taye)..."Myriad Worlds: Buddhist Cosmology in Abhidharma, Kalachakra, and Dzog-chen"...(1995)
Kongtrul...."Retreat Manual"...trans: Zangpo....
Kongtrul...Enthronement: Reincarnate Masters"...1997
Kongtrul...."Commentary on the Inner Meaning of Mysticism"....
Kornman, Robin..."Gesar of Ling"...(In Lopez: 1997)
Kornman..."A Tribal History"...(In Lopez: 1997)
Kvaerne, Per..."Iranian Influence on Tibetan Cosmogonic Myths" [Silver on Lapis: Tibetan Literary Culture and History] The Tibet Society..Bloomington: 1987
Kvaerne (ed)...'Tibetan Studies: Proceedings on the 6th Seminar of the Int. Assoc for Tibetan Studies in Fagerness: 1992"...Oslo:1994
Kvaerne...."gZer-mig"....Indo-Iranian Journal...vol XVI..No 1-2 (1974)
Kvaerne..."A Death Ritual of the Tibetan Bonpos" ....1985
Kvaerne..."The Bon Religion of Tibet: Iconography of a Living Tradition" (Shambhala Publications)... 1996
Lessing, F.D....."Ritual And Symbol"....1976
Lhalungpa...."Mahamudra"....1986...(ISBN 0877733600)
Ligeti, Louis (ed)..."200th Anniversary of Alexander Csoma De Koros"...1985
Lihua, Ma..."Shamanic Belief among Nomads in Northern Tibet:...(in Brauen:1993)
Lopez, Donald.(ed).."Religions of Tibet in Practice"...(Princeton..1997)
Merton, Thomas..."Asian Journals"..1988.
Nalanda Translation Committee..."A Smoke Purification Song"...(in Lopez:1997)
Nalanda Translation Committee..."The Rain of Wisdom"...1980
Ngakpa Chogyam..."The Rainbow of Liberated Energy"...1986
Nebesky..."Tibetan Drum Divination"...Ethnos:1952
Norbu, Namkhai "Drung, Deu, and Bon: Narrations, Symboloic languages, and the Bon traditions in ancient Tibet"... 1995
Norbu..."Dzogchen: The Self Perfected State"....1996
Norbu...The Mirror: Advice on the Presence of Awareness"...1996
Orofino, Giacommella..."Sacred Tibetan Teachings on Death and Liberation"...1990
Paul, Robert..."The Tibetan Symbolic World"...1982
Powers, John..."Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism"(Snow Lion)...1995
Rangdrol, Tsele Natsok..."The Heart of the Matter"...1996
Rangdrol..."The Mirror of Mindfulness"...1994
Rangdrol..."Circle of the Sun"...1990
Rao, Ramachandra..."Tibetan Tantric Tradition"...New Jersey:1978
Reynolds,John..."The Golden Letters"(1996)
Reynolds..."Self Liberation Through Seeing With Naked Awareness"...1989
Richardson, Hugh..."The Karmapa Sect"...Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society...(1958-59)
Rock, Joseph..."The Na-khi Naga Cult and the Related Ceremonies"....1952
Roerich, George..."Blue Annals"...1974
Roerich, Nicholas...."Shambhala"...1930
Samuel, Geoffrey..."Civilized Shamans" ...1993
Samuel (ed)...:Gesar of Ling: Shamanic Power and Popular Religion"...1997
Skorupski, Tadeusz. (ed)..."Indo Tibetan Studies in Honour of David Snellgrove"...England:1990
Smith, E.G. ..."Introduction to Kongtruls Encyclopedia of Indo-Tibetan Culture".. Satapitaka Series, vol 80 (New Delhi: 1970) (Chandra,ed)
Snellgrove..."Nine Ways of Bon: Excerpts from the Gzi-Brjid"...1967
Sorenson, P.K....""Divinity Secularized: The Songs of the 6th Dalai Lama"...1990
Sorenson, P.K....The Mirror Illuminating the Royal Genealogies"...Weisbaden:1994
Sogyal Rinpoche..."The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying"...1992
Taylor, McComas...."Tibet's Golden Age: A Clear Mirror on Royal Genealogy"....1996
Tharthang Tulku..."Ancient Tibet"....1986
Tharthang...."Knowledge of Time and Space"...1990
Tharthang Tulku...."Kum Nye Relaxation"....1979
Thomas, F.W...."Ancient Folk Literature from North Eastern Tibet.....Berlin: 1957
Chogyam Trungpa..."Shambhala, The Sacred Path of the Warrior"...1984
Trungpa...."Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism"...1973
Trungpa..."The Pon Way of Life" in Himalayan Anthropology...1978 (Reprinted in "The Heart of the Buddha": 1991)
Trungpa..."Heart of the Buddha"....1991
Trungpa..."Garuda One"...Spring 1972
Trungpa, Chogyam...."Dharma Art"....1996
Trungpa..."First Thought Best Thought: 108 Poems"....1984
Trungpa..."Timely Rain: Selected Poetry"....1998
Trungpa..."The Art of Calligraphy: Joining Heaven and Earth"....1994
Tulku Thondup..."The Practice of Dzogchen"...(Snow Lion:1996)
Tulku Thondup..."Hidden Teaching of Tibet: An Explanation of the Terma Tradition"...1997
Tibet Journal..."Purification Rite of Smoke" Phuntsok... 1991(16)(3)
Tucci, Giuseppi..."The Religions of Tibet"...1980
Wangyal, Tenzin..."Wonders of the Natural Mind"...1993
Willis, Janice..."Feminine Ground: Essays on Women and Tibet"...1995
Yang, En-Hong..."The Forms of Chanting Gesar"...(Brauen..1993)


John Hopkins.....Northern New Mexico….November 2013


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