

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Zhutrul Yeshi & Mucho Demdrug (Tagzig : 1196 BC)


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Zhutrul Yeshi…."Around 1196 B.C., Zhutrul Yeshi, a great master from Tagzig established the Bon monastic system and propagated the practice of monastic discipline and philosophical study in the kingdoms of Zhang Zhung and Tibet with energy and devotion. Mutri Tsenpo, the second king of Tibet, was interested in the Bon trantric practice Drakpa Kor Sum and invited many scholars from Zhang Zhung to teach it. Through his efforts, the practice of Tantra, the path of transformation, flourished widely in Tibet."…..

"The founder of the ancient Yungdrung Bön spiritual tradition was the Buddha Tonpa Shenrab. Tonpa Shenrab was born at the palace Barpo Sogye of Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring. According to the Bön canon, his birth dates 18,000 years ago. His father was Gyalbon Thodkar of the Mu clan and his mother Yochi Gyalzhedma. His teachings are called ‘Yung Drung Bön’ or ‘Eternal Bön’, and practitioners of Bön are called ‘Bonpo’."….

"1,800 years later, Mucho Demdrug organized and classified the entire teaching of Tonpa Shenrab into four categories. The prayers, mantras, the teachings on monastic discipline or precepts, and the biography of Tonpa Shenrab were arranged as part of the Sutra collection (mDo). The second category, Prajnaparamita or ‘Bum’, consists of the detailed exposition of the Perfection of Wisdom teachings. The third category, Tantra, or (rGyud) consists of deity visualization, and ritual and esoteric tantric practices. The forth category, ‘mDzod’ consists of the teachings on Dzogchen meditation practices. He also wrote commentaries to these teachings and taught them to many students. Through his teachings and efforts, the teachings of Yungdrung Bön flourished throughout Zhang-zhung and Tibet."……

"Out of Mucho Demdrug's many students, six become great scholars who translated the teachings of Yungdrung Bön into different languages: Mutsa Tahe and Guhuli Paraya translated Yungdrung Bön into the language of Tagzig. Tritok Partsa translated Yungdrung Bön into Zhang Zhung. Letang Mangpo translated Yungdrung Bön into Chinese. Lhadag Ngadro translated Yungdrung Bön into Indian language, and Sertok Chezam translated Yungdrung Bön into the language of Trom.……

"Of Tonpa Shenrab's many disciples, the foremost was Mucho Demdrug (Mu cho lDem drug), who in his turn taught many students, the most important of whom were the 'Six Great Translators': Mutsha Trahe (dMu tsha Tra he) of Tazig, Trithog Pasha (Khri thog sPa tsha) of Zhang-zhung, Hulu Paleg (Hu lu sPa legs) of Sum pa (east of Zhang-zhung), Lhadag Nagdro (Lha bdags sNgags grol) of India, Legtang Mangpo (Legs tang rMang po) of China and Sertog Chejam (gSer thog lCe byams) of Phrom (Mongolia)."…..

"To other scholars, the description seems to resemble the geography of the Middle East and Persia in the time of Cyrus the Great. "…..

"To a Bonpo, the question of the geographic identification of Olmo Lungring is less important than its symbology which is clearly made use of to indicate the supramandane origin of the tradition. Symbolic descriptions which combine history, geography and mythology are well known phenomena in ancient texts. The Buddhist description of the universe with Mount Meru supporting the sky, the four Chief Continents to the four cardinal points and this earth as the southern continent is another similar example."…..…..

"Shenrab also had a son from each of these two marriages. The son from the first marriage was named Mucho Demdrug, who was later appointed as the successor of Shenrab and taught Bon for three years after his father‟s death (see mDo dus, p. 231). In contradistinction to all other Bon sources, only the author(s) of the mDo dus has recorded that Mucho Demdrug was a son of Shenrab.183 The son from the second marriage was named Oldrug Thangpo. Not much is known about him in Bon sources, except that he also taught Bon for three years (see mDo dus, p. 231) after his half-brother Mucho Demdrug."….

Tagzig....Mutsha Trahe (dMu tsha Tra he) of Tazig.....Mutsa Tahe and Guhuli Paraya translated Yung Drung Bon into the language of Tagzig....Tonpa Shenrab was born at the palace Barpo Sogye of Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring....sTag-gzig (Tazig) [often identified with Bactria]...Bactria (from Βακτριανή, the Hellenized version of Old Persian Bāxtriš; Bactrian: Baktra; Persian/Pashto: باختر Bākhtar; Uzbek: Балх; Tajik: Бохтар; Chinese: 大夏 Dàxià; Sanskrit बाह्लीक Bāhlika) is the ancient name of a historical region located south of the Amu Darya and west of Gandhara, one of the ancient civilizations of Iranian peoples....Ancient Bactria was in present-day northern Afghanistan, between the Hindu Kush mountain range and the Amu Darya.....referred to by the Greeks as Bactriana.

Zhangzhung.....Trithog Pasha (Khri thog sPa tsha) of Zhang-zhung.....Tritok Partsa translated Yung Drung Bon into Zhang Zhung.....Zhangzhung (Tibetan: ཞང་ཞུང་ ; Tibetan pronunciation: [ɕaŋɕuŋ]; Chinese: 象雄; Chinese pinyin : Xiàngxióng) was an ancient culture and kingdom of western and northwestern Tibet, which pre-dates the culture of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet. Zhangzhung culture is associated with the Bon religion, which in turn, has influenced the philosophies and practices of Tibetan Buddhism. Zhangzhung people are mentioned frequently in ancient Tibetan texts as the original rulers of central and western Tibet. Only in the last two decades have archaeologists been given access to do archaeological work in the areas once ruled by the Zhangzhung.... the Zhang Zhung civilization consisted of 18 kingdoms......Western Tibet, from Gilgit to Khotan....

Sum pa.....Hulu Paleg (Hu lu sPa legs) of Sum pa (east of Zhang-zhung)

China.....Legtang Mangpo (Legs tang rMang po) of China....Letang Mangpo translated Yung Drung Bon into Chinese.

India....Lhadag Nagdro (Lha bdags sNgags grol) of India....Lhadag Ngadro translated Yung Drung Bon into Indian language,

Phrom......Sertog Chejam (gSer thog lCe byams) of Phrom....and Sertok Chezam translated Yung Drung Bon into the language of Trom....Gesar is said to hail from Trom....."Trom Gesar" .....this title is known to have been used by Turkic kings ruling in the area of what is now Afghanistan, who were allies of the Tibetan empire during the eighth century....Gesar may have the same root word as caesar, kaiser, and tsar.

Zariasta was located in the once rich and fertile region of Bactria and encircled by the great Pamir and Caucasus Asia Mountains and the ancient cultures of Tagzig, Uddiyana, Bactria, Kapisa, Tibet, ZanZun, Gandhara and Uighur.


October 2013

John Hopkins....Northern New Mexico


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