

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Garab Dorje ....dGa'-rab.....Anandavajra...Uddiyana.....550 AD


Dzogchen Explorations

Okar Research


Garab Dorje (dga’ rab rdo rje, Skt. Surativajra, Prahevajra, Pramoda Vajra)…..Garab Dorje means 'Indestructible joy.'

"In the lineage of masters preceding Gyerpungpa (eighth century CE), there is found a master named Zhang-zhung dGa'-rab, who may be Garab Dorje."…..The Golden Letters: The Three Statements of Garab Dorje, ‎John Myrdhin Reynolds

"Garab Dorje or Garap Dorje is the only attested name. The Sanskrit offerings are reconstructions. No Sanskrit name has been found in a colophon to attest to historicity. That said, Germano (1992: p.4) cited "Vajraprahe" in the "Direct Consequence of Sound Tantra" within the Nyingma Gyubum (NGB1 24,1) and goes on to state in the same work that Reynolds (1989, 2000 revised)reverses the two words in the contraction in his translation and analysis of a section of the Bardo Thodol from Tibetan into English, specifically the rig pa ngo sprod gcer mthong rang grol (Wylie) where he employs "Prahevajra". Germano (1992: p.4) holds that Reynolds lexical choice of "Prahevajra" was informed by a mantra of a short Guru Yoga text by Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro (c.1893-1959)......Prahevajra or Pramodavajra (Tibetan: Garab Dorje, Tibetan: དགའ་རབ་རྡོ་རྗེ་, Wylie: dga’ rab rdo rje; Sanskrit: Prahevajra or Pramodavajra)"….Germano, David Francis (1992). "Poetic thought, the intelligent Universe, and the mystery of self: The Tantric synthesis of rDzogs Chen in fourteenth century Tibet." The University of Wisconsin, Madison. Doctoral thesis.

Zhang-zhung dGa'-rab
gShen -rab.....Tonpa Shenrab (Wylie: ston pa gshen rab "Teacher gShenrab") or Shenrab Miwo (Wylie: gshen rab mi bo)—also called the Buddha Shenrab, Guru Shenrab and a number of other titles—is the founder of the Bon tradition of Tibet.

"….Garab Dorje’s right hand and forearm appeared holding a golden casket, the size of a thumbnail, which circled round Mañjushrimitra three times, and descended into the palm of his hand. Inside it he found the Hitting the Essence in Three Words, Garab Dorje’s final testament, written in ink of liquid lapis lazuli on a leaf of five precious substances…….Tsik Sum Né Dek (ཚིག་གསུམ་གནད་བརྡེགས་, Wyl. tshig gsum gnad brdegs), 'Hitting the Essence in Three Words' — the final testament of the first human Dzogchen master Garab Dorje (Skt. Prahevajra)."…..

Lapis Lazuli is a semi precious blue stone with gold veins. Long ago, the lapis lazuli was grounded into a fine blue powder and it was with this blue powder that Leonardo Da Vinci, created the blue ink he used in his paintings....Lapis lazuli was being mined in the Sar-i Sang mines near Balkh and in other mines in the Badakhshan province in northeast Afghanistan as early as the 7th millennium BC ...

Garab (Persian: گراب‎, also Romanized as Garāb)

Persian Dzogchen…..…"In Tibetan, "dzogpa" means (a) something completed, finished, exhausted, and (b) everything is full, perfect & complete. Dzogchen or "mahâsandhi" in Sanskrit, considers itself the "highest truth", a view superior to Mâdhyamaka. For many Mâdhyamikas, Dzogchen is not even part of the Buddhadharma, but a sort of Chinese Dharma like Ch'an or coming from Advaita Vedânta, Kaśmiri Śaivism, or even Persian religion. This discussion is ongoing. Although Dzogchenpas claim to agree with Mâdhyamaka regarding emptiness, identifying the primordial base of all phenomena with the self-empty "Dharmakâya", the teachings do affirm the natural state of the mind to be of the nature of clarity, to be "from the very beginning" inseparable from this base. In doing so, one may ask whether the conditions for substantial instantiation have not been fulfilled, entailing a transcendent metaphysics of unbounded wholeness ? Does this take reason beyond itself ? The Dzogchenpas agree it does. For them, conceptual elaboration cannot end conceptual elaboration."…… Wim van den Dungen,.....Studies in Buddhadharma: Dzogchen or Mahâsandhi....

"Kashmiri (कॉशुर, کأشُر Kashur) is a language from the Dardic sub-group of the Indo-Aryan languages and it is spoken primarily in the Kashmir Valley, in Jammu and Kashmir…There are three orthographical systems used to write the Kashmiri language: the Sharada script, the Devanagari script and the Perso-Arabic script….Kashmiri, like German and Old English and unlike other Indo-Aryan languages, has V2 word order….Though Kashmiri has thousands of loan words (mainly from Persian and Arabic) due to the arrival of Islam in the Valley, however, it remains basically an Indo-Aryan language close to Rigvedic Sanskrit….….

Click on the image to enlarge the text

Unbounded Wholeness: Dzogchen, Bon, and the Logic of the Nonconceptual……Page 331.....By Anne C. Klein, Tenzin Wangyal


John Hopkins.....Northern New Mexico….October 2013


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