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The Rigdens (Kalkin)....the following 17 kings have the title "Kalki" ("Kulika" may be an incorrect spelling) or "Rigden"-kings; meaning "Holder of the Castes" or the Shambala's Knowledge Holders.
8. FIRST KALKI KING...Jampal Trakpa (Manjushrikiirti)....(1st Kulika King)(1st Propagator): "the 8th King of Sambhala, 'Manjusriyasas ('jam dpal grags pa) was the first to be called Rigden." (Kongtrul: 273)....Jampa Trakpa ('jam dpal grags pa)...Kulika Manjushrikirti initiated 35 million seers into the Kalachakra mandala. He composed a shorter tantra of 5 chapters with 1047 verses. This is what is currently called the Kalachakra Tantra. (Geoffrey Hopkins: 60)...."Rigpan Jampa Dragpa, the first Propagator, was famous for his clear explanations."
"In 624 C.E., a non-Indic religion will arise in Mecca. Because of a lack of unity among the brahmans?people and laxity in following correctly the injunctions of their Vedic scriptures, many will accept this religion when its leaders threaten an invasion. To prevent this danger, Manjushri Yashas united the people of Shambhala into a single "vajra-caste" by conferring upon them the Kalachakra empowerment. By his act, the king became the First Kalki ?the First Holder of the Caste. ........... As the founding of Islam dates from 622 C.E., two years before Kalachakra? predicted date, most scholars identify the non-Indic religion with that faith. Descriptions of the religion elsewhere in the Kalachakra texts as having the slaughter of cattle while reciting the name of its god, circumcision, veiled women, and prayer facing its holy land five times a day reinforce their conclusion."
"As the first Kulika king, Manjushrikirti, preached the Kalachakra Tantra to his subjects, Suryaratha distanced himself from it, and his followers, the Rishis, joined him. They preferred to choose banishment from Shambhala than to follow the “diamond path” (Vajrayana). Nonetheless, after they had set out in the direction of India and had already crossed the border of the kingdom, Manjushrikirti sank in to a deep meditation, stunned the emigrants by magic and ordered demon birds to bring them back. This event probably concerns a confrontation between two religious schools. The Rishis worshipped only the sun. For this reason they also called their guru the “sun chariot” (suryaratha). But the Kulika king had as Kalachakra master and cosmic androgyne united both heavenly orbs in himself. He was the master of sun and moon. His demand of the Rishis that they adopt the teachings of the Kalachakra Tantra was also enacted on a night of the full moon. Manjushrikirti ended his sermon with the words: “If you wish to enter that path, stay here, but if you do not, then leave and go elsewhere; otherwise the doctrines of the barbarians will come to spread even in Shambhala.” (Bernbaum, 1980, p. 234)......The Rishis decided upon the latter. “Since we all want to remain true to the sun chariot, we also do not wish to give up our religion and to join another”, they rejoined (Grünwedel, 1915, p. 77)
"Manjushrí Kírti (Tib. Rigdan Jampel Dakpa) is said to have been born in 159 BCE and ruled over Shambhala which had 300,510 followers of the Mlechha (Yavana or "western") religion living in it, some of whom worshiped the sun. He is said to have expelled all the heretics from his dominions but later, after hearing their petitions, allowed them to return. For their benefit, and the benefit of all living beings, he explained the Kalachakra teachings."....
In 624 AD the Sassian Shah Yazdigird is defeated by the Arabs at the battle of Nahavand...In Iran, the great Sassanian dynasty collapsed in the 7th century under the Arab onslaught...."in the era of the Mlecchas, the starting year of the Kalacakra chronology is the first year of the Hijra, calculated from the year 624 AD."..( 753)....
The First Kalki further predicted that the followers of the non-Indic religion will some day rule India. From their capital in Delhi, their king will attempt the conquest of Shambhala in 2424 C.E. The Twenty- fifth Kalki, Raudrachakrin, will then invade India and defeat the non-Indics in a great war. His victory will mark the end of the Kali Yuga, the age of degeneration of the Dharma, and afterwards, a new golden age will follow during which the teachings will flourish, especially those of Kala chakra.
8. (1) Manju Yashas/Manjushrikirti/Manjughoshikirti (Skt), Jampäl Dragpa (Tib)(Jamyang Drag(Tib)) (276 - 176 BC) The Renowned and Glorious Gentle One .......The 8th king, Manjushrikirti was an incarnation of Manjushri and he put the Kalachakra teachings in a condensed and simplified form, called the "Sri Kalachakra". He founded a second line of 25 Kings. He also converted a group of non-Buddhist Brahman priests of Shambala to Buddhism and gave them the Kalachakra initiation to unite all inhabitants into one "vajra family" - or family of tantric practitioners.
Rigden Manjushri Yashas was born as a son of Sureshana....His time on the throne began in 277 BC.....
Yashas and his queen Tara had a son named Pundarika. (Newman...1985)
"All the kings of Shambhala belong to an inherited dynasty. Since the historical Buddha initiated the first regent, Suchandra, into the Time Tantra there have been two royal houses which have determined the fate of the country. The first seven kings called themselves Dharmaraja (kings of law). They were originally descended from the same lineage which produced Buddha Shakyamuni, the Shakyas. The following 25 kings of the second dynasty are the “Kulikas” or “Kalkis”. Each of these rulers reigns for exactly 100 years. The future regents are also already laid down by name.....Like the Indian Maha Siddhas, the Kalkis have long hair which they tie up in a knot. Likewise, they also adorn themselves with earrings and armbands......The highest elite of the country is formed by the tantric clergy. The monks wear white, speak Sanskrit, and are all initiated into the mysteries of the Kalachakra Tantra......
King Yashas taught the Dharma on the lion throne of Shambhala for one hundred years.His minister was Sagaramait. Full moon of Caitra (Feb-March)...None of the texts authored by Yashas have survived in the original Sanskrit other than the al-important Sri Kalachakra. ...Yashas's conversion of the brahman sages was inportant in the subsequent history of combining all the castes of Shambhala into one Vajra family, Yashas became Kalki, the lineage King of Shambhala."(Newman ...1985)
"the 1047 verses of the Kalachakra Tantra used today (the original is 12,000 verses) was composed by the eighth King of Shambhala, the first Kulika (Kalki), Jampal Trakpa. The original 12,000 verses have never been translated into Tibetan." (Kongtrul: 271)..
Manjushrikiirti. ..Manjughosha, Majushrikiirti, chief of rigdens, who summarized so well the great vajra tantra, The Jamyang Human Lord Known as Manjushrikiirti, Will arise in the place called Shambhala....Perfecting the glorious tantras, Rigden Manjushrikiirti Will be the teacher of it.
The emanation of Akashagarbha., was born as the son of Lha'i Wangdenís Consort of Delight, or some say of various other divine consorts, and was the emanation of Manjushri, King Manjushrikiirti himself. Seated on a lion throne, he taught the Dharma or 100 years.
Then King Manjushrikiirti said, "Let the followers of the Vedas quickly leave Shambhala." Accordingly, those brahmin .ri.shis abandoned the city of Kaalaapa. Sitting on a great precious lion throne, was Dharmaraaja Jampel Manjushrikiirti.
When the Bhagavan taught the Kaalachakra tantra, a lord of humans explaining it called Jampel or Manjushrikiirti arises in a place called Shambhala, north of the river Shiita. Sitting on the lion throne, he is Dharma-teaching Manjushrikiirti, this describer of the teachings, teaches the commentary. This is by power of composition, as is explained in the earlier commentaries. Manjushrikiirti teaches the abridged tantra and
600 years after the Tathaagata taught the Kaalachakra Tantra is the time of Jampel Manjushrikiirti.
Rigden Manjushrikiirti has a fish-like birthplace. He is the 1st stopper of the Lalo dharma.
Therefore, the secret mantra vajra empowerment will be given to the 4 castes, and all the brahmins will be made into a single vajra caste, the Sage's family, and because of that they will be called "rigdens." After that, the 8 kings of Shambhala up to Manjushrikiirti also will be given the name "rigden."
According to the Kaalachakra Root Tantra, 600 years after the Root Tantra is taught, in Shambhala the 1st rigden Manjushrikiirti becomes a Dharma teacher, sitting on the lion throne as prophesied.
Kali Yuga began in 3102 BCE according to the Surya Siddhanta, which is an astronomical treatise that forms the basis of all Hindu and Buddhist calendars.
"the 1047 verses of the Kalachakra Tantra used today (the original is 12,000 verses) was composed by the eighth King of Shambhala, the first Kulika (Kalki), Jampal Trakpa. The original 12,000 verses have never been translated into Tibetan." (Kongtrul: 271)..
Kalkin (Tib: rigs ldan): chieftan, governor who holds the lineage, "one who bears the lineage"
Rigden..."the eighth Rigden and subsequent Kings were called Kulika (rigs ldan) "one who bears the lineage". (Geoffrey Hopkins: 60)...
Kulika or Kalki Kings..."Since the Kalki has many queens, he has many sons and daughters. However, when the Kalki-to-be is born (it does not matter if he is the oldest son or not) there is a rain of white lotus flowers. The queen mother is a daughter of one of the 96 satraps of Shambhala. " (Newman ..1985)
"Sixteen translations of the Sri Kalachakra from Sanskrit to Tibetan appeared between the 11th and 14th centuries." (Bryant: 71)...
"This classification in the Kalachakra is not traditional to Buddhism but to Samkhya (The major text of this Vedic school is the extant Samkhya Karika circa 200 CE. This text (in karika 70) identifies Sāmkhya as a Tantra and its philosophy was one of the main influences both on the rise of the Tantras as a body of literature, as well as Tantra sadhana. The Samkhya school is dualistic and atheistic.). In the Kalachakra there is a great deal of non-Buddhist terminology." (Geoffrey Hopkins: 485)... (chaitya)
"The lam yig's description of Sambhala is a curious melange of elements drawn from the canonical Indian Kalachakra literature (primarily the Vimalaprabha), erstwhile realia (the architecture, diet, and clothing of the Sambhalese), and the obligatory travellers sexology." (Newman in 488)...
"The Buddhist myth of the Kalkis of Shambhala derives from the Hindu Kalki of Shambhala myths contained in the Mahabharata and the Puranas." (Newman...1985)
The 7 Shakya Kings and the 25 Kulika Kings (Kalki)...
"Suchandra recorded the Kalachakra Mulatantra from memory and composed a number of comprehensive commentaries on it. One of his successors (Manjushrikirti) wrote an abridged edition, known as the Kalachakra Laghutantra, a compendium of the original sermon. This 1000-verse text has survived in toto and still today serves as a central text. Manjushrikirti’s successor, King Pundarika, composed a detailed commentary upon the Laghutantra with the name of Vimalaprabha (‘immaculate light’). These two texts (the Kalachakra Laghutantra and the Vimalaprapha) were brought back to India in the tenth century by the Maha Siddha Tilopa, and from there reached Tibet, the “Land of Snows” a hundred years later. But only fragments of the original text, the Kalachakra Mulatantra, have survived. The most significant fragment is called Sekkodesha and has been commented upon the Maha Siddha Naropa......
"Kalki is described as the last of the Maha Avatars of Lord Vishnu, who will appear to end the Kali Yuga or the Dark Age. In Hindu traditions, Kalki (also rendered by some as Kalkin and Kalaki) is the name of the tenth and final Maha Avatara (Great Avatar) of Vishnu the Preserver, who will come to end the current Kali Yuga, (The Age of Darkness and Destruction)......Other similar and divergent interpretations (based on varying etymological derivations from the ancient Sanskrit language, including one simply meaning "White Horse") have been made.....In Hinduism, Kalki (alt. spelling: Kalaki) ('Time") is the tenth and last avatar of Vishnu. Kalki is expected to appear on Earth at the conclusion of the current Kali Yuga; He will come from the sky on a white horse, brandishing a flaming sword with which to destroy the wicked people of the current world, renew creation and bring righteousness back to Earth......According to Hindu scripture, Kali Yuga (the Age of Kali) began at the end of Krishna's bodily lifespan near the end of the 15th century BC and will last exactly 432,000 years - placing its conclusion near the middle of the 431st millennium AD. Kalki, the 10th and final avatar of Vishnu, is expected to appear at this time, riding a white horse and wielding a flaming sword with which to strike down the wicked.".....
KALACHAKRA...(dus kyi khor lo)...Taught by the Buddha to Dawa Sangpo in South India in 881 BC (Dudjom:1991 pg 947)...Appeared in India from 966 AD with Chilupa. (Jeffrey Hopkins:1985, pg 61)... Introduced into Tibet from India in 1026 AD.(Norbu:1995,pg 272)... "Shen Rab explained the mighty Kalachakra Tantra in the Palace called dBan chen sa bdag." (Kvaerne: 1971, pg 221)........"the 1047 verses of the Kalachakra Tantra used today (the original is 12,000 verses) was composed by the eighth King of Shambhala, the first Kulika (Kalki), Jampal Trakpa. The original 12,000 verses have never been translated into Tibetan." (Kongtrul: 271)..."The Kalachakra is one of the last Sanskrit works to have been written in a Central Asian land." (Geoffrey Hopkins: 60)..."King Sucandra wrote the 12,000 verse root text to the Kalachakra in an unknown tongue called the 'twilight language.' (Bryant: 68)..."Sixteen translations of the Sri Kalachakra from Sanskrit to Tibetan appeared between the 11th and 14th centuries." (Bryant: 71)...
Chogyam Trungpa on ultimate Shambhala: "the kingdom of Shambhala itself, is not some mysterious heavenly realm. It is the realm of the cosmic mirror, the primordial realm that is always available to human beings if they relax and expand their minds." (Trungpa: 1984..Pg 174)....
"....1) Suchandra (Tib. Dawa Sangpo) c. 900 to 876 BC. Note: the Kalachakra calculations put the life of Shakyamuni Buddha quite a bit earlier than is generally accepted, and the Tibetans produced a number of divergent calculations of the dates given here. Also, many of the names of the kings are often wrongly Sanskritized (back-translated from the Tibetan) in Western publications. 2) Devendra (Tib. Lhayi Wang) (876-776 BC) - Fond of Sentient Beings 3) Tejasvin (Tib. Ziji Chän) (776-676 BC) Bearer of the Dharma Wheel and the Auspicious Conch 4) Somadatta (Tib. Dawä Jin) (676-576) Lord of Speakers 5) Deveshvara/Sureshvara (Tib. Lhaji Wangchug) (576-476) Destroyer of the City of Delusion 6) Vishvamurti (Tib. Natshog Zug) (476-376) Conqueror of False Leaders, Holding a Lotus 7) Sureshana ...."
"Manjushrikirti or Manjughoshikirti (Skt. Mañjuśrīkīrti; Miàojíxiángchēng; ). Manjushrikirti is said to have been the eighth king of Shambhala and is considered to be the second incarnation in the lineage of the Panchen Lamas of Tibet. As his name indicates, is considered to have been an incarnation of Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom. Manjushrikirti was born in Shambhala, the son of King Deva-Indra and his queen, Kauśikí. His rule is said to have extended over "hundreds of petty kings and a hundred thousand cities." He is said to have expelled 300,510 followers of heretical doctrine of the Mlechhas or "materialistic barbarians", some of whom worshipped the sun, but after reconsidering, he brought them back and they asked for his teachings. Next he united all the castes, or religious factions, of Shambala into one Vajra or 'Diamond' Caste. Consequentially, he was the first king of Shambhala to be given the title Kalki (Tib. Rigden), meaning "Holder of the Castes" or "Wisdom Holder." He is said Tibetan sources to have taken the throne 674 years after the death of Gautama Buddha. Following the Tibetan sources, which place the parinirvana in 833 BCE, he would have become king of Shambhala in 159 BCE. There is, however, no consensus on the date of the death of the Buddha. Modern scholars have proposed dates of 563, 483, 410 or 400 BCE. These would suggest dates for his accession of 111, 191, 264 or 274 CE respectively. He then put the Kalachakra teachings in a condensed and simplified form called the "Sri Kalachakra" or "Laghutantra"."....From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"It seems as if the legend of Shambhala was at least partially inspired by the Xiongnu Empire which stretched from Mongolia to Central Asia (indeed north of Tian Shan and the several "White Rivers (Sita)"). I wonder if Chandra Bhadra (a.k.a. Suchandra, Skt. "Auspicious Moon") was actually translation of a name or phonetic rendering of the title of the Xiongnu Emperor Shanyu Baghatur (Chanyu Batyr). Baghatur Tengri is Mongolian god of victory, while in Altaic mythology there is such celestial hero (Batyr) similar to Mithra called Mangdyshire whose name is clearly derived from that of Manjushri. In a Bon text cited by Kuznetsov the supreme deity Bumkhri Sangspo is identified with alternative name of Manjushrighosha - same as that of the first Kulika king - contemporary of Shanyu Mode (= Turk. Baghatur/Batyr). "...Posted by Ardavarz to Shamis-en-balkh and Historical Shambhala
John Hopkins.....Northern New Mexico….February 2013
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