

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring & The Kingdom of Shambhala


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"Lopon Tenzin Namdak and other Bonpo Lamas I have spoken to have identified 'Ol-mo lung-ring with Shambhala. For a discussion of Shambhala in the Tibetan tradition in general, both Buddhist and Bonpo, see Bernbaum, The Way to Shambhala, op. cit.".....

..."Tonpa Shenrab was born at the palace Barpo Sogye of Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring."....

'Ol-mo lung-ring Mandala
Source: Latri Khenpo Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche

".....the country of Olmo Lung-ring where Tonpa Shenrab descended from the celestial spheres and took up incarnation among human beings as an Iranian prince. The mysterious land of Olmo Lung-ring ('ol-mo lung-rings) or Olmoling ('ol-mo'i gling) is said to be part of a larger geographical region to the northwest of Tibet called Tazig (stag-gzig, var. rtag-gzigs), which scholars identify with Iran or, more properly, Central Asia where in ancient times Iranian languages such as Avestan and later Sogdian were spoken. According to the "gZer-mig" the traditional etymology of the name Olmo Lung-ring is as follows: '"ol" means "unborn", "mo" "undermined", "lung" "the prophetic words of Shenrab", and "rings" "everlasting compassion". According to the "gZi-brjid", Olmo Lung-ring was also known as Shambhala in Sanskrit and it continues to be known by this name among Tibetan Buddhists even today. Moreover, it is said that in ancient times it encompassed fully one-third of the known world a statement which could apply to the historical Persian empire."....OLMO LUNG-RING: THE IMPERISHABLE SACRED Vajranatha

"......they put the birth of Tonpa Shenrab in distant Tazig, a fabulous land of legend, which recalled the Persian empire which the Tibetans much admired in the seventh century. ".........OLMO LUNG-RING: THE IMPERISHABLE SACRED Vajranatha

Shenlha Odkar personifies one of the three main aspects of Tonpa Shenrab:......Deity (lha) is Shenlha Odkar......Priest (shen) is Tonpa Shenrab.....Creator (srid) is Sangpo Bumpti.....Shenlha Odkar is the deity of Supreme Compassion. Out of his compassion the Bön teachings and practices have grown to assist all sentient beings on the path to liberation. He is the master teacher of all teachers. So that teaching has become his primary activity. Wodkar means "white light" and his natural body is pearlescent, the body of perfection (dzo ku). Shenlha Odkar is always dressed in elaborate, ceremonial robes with his hands in the meditation mudra. He sits on a throne supported by two snow lions which represent Shenlha Odkar’s supremacy over all life forms....Shenlha Odkar Mantra:......"A OM HUNG AA A KAR SA LE OH A YANG OM DHU!".....

Shenlha Odkar.....Source:

"In all of the early Bonpo texts Olmo Lung-ring is clearly located to the west and the north of Tibet in Tazig or Central Asia. Moreover, there are two Tazigs, one of a heavenly nature and one quite physical, located in Central Asia. ".....

Click on the map to enlarge....

"...according to the "gZi-brjid", Dimpling is the same as Shambhala...."........OLMO LUNG-RING: THE IMPERISHABLE SACRED Vajranatha

"Olmo Lung-ring or Shambhala, this imperishable sacred land, which is the spiritual center of the world, existed on earth from the very beginning of the human race. It was the place where the celestial gods of the Clear Light ('od gsal lha) descended from heaven to earth in order to take up incarnation as human beings and ensoul the physical bodies which had been prepared for diem...."......

"The Bonpo account of the hidden land of Olmo Lungring is found in the “gZer-mig” and the “gZi-brjid”. There it is explained that Olmoling is physically part of our world and is not an imaginary holy land nor a celestial pure realm like the Sukhavati or Dewachan (bde-ba-can) of the Buddha Amitabha. Symbolically Olmo Lungring is the geographical, psychic, and spiritual center of our world of Jambudvipa (`dzam-bu`i gling) and at its center rises the holy mountain of nine levels, known as Yungdrung Gutseg (g.yung-drung dgu-brtsegs), which links heaven and earth. It is a kind of axis mundi connecting three planes of existence- the heaven worlds, the earth, and the nether regions. Therefore, Olmo Lungring possesses a different ontological status than ordinary geographical regions and countries. In terms of our own age, it is a hidden land or “beyul” (sbas-yul), inaccessible to all but realized beings or Siddhas. This land is said to be inhabited by Vidyadharas (rig-`dzin) or holders of esoteric knowledge. It exists on earth, but it is not an ordinary country or nation which could be observed from an orbiting satellite or sighted from a high flying airplane, for it possesses a special reality all its own. It is in this world, but not quite of it. It is part of our physical geographical world because it is located in Tazig, yet it partly exists in another spiritual dimension, and although material, it is in a certain sense imperishable and indestructible. When, at the end of the kalpa, the world will be destroyed and consumed by fire, Olmo Lungring will spontaneously rise up and ascend into the sky and there it will merge with its celestial archetype in the heavens which is called Sidpa Yesang (srid-pa ye-sangs). Olmo Lungring is truly the imperishable sacred land.".....Olmo Lungring: the imperishable sacred land.....BON CHILDREN

"Olmo Lungring or Shambhala, this imperishable sacred land, which is the spiritual center of the world, existed on earth from the very beginning of the human race."

"...Tonpa Shenrab was bom a prince in Olmo Lung-ring and he emerged from there, crossing barriers of hot arid deserts and frigid glacial mountains, to visit briefly Zhang-zhung and Tibet. ...".....A Collection of Studies on Bon...... by wtemple

"Although the "gZi-brjid" specifically identifies Olmoling and Shambhala, neither in the "gZi-brjid" nor the "gZer-mig" is there any mention of Armaggedon or the climactic battle between the forces of the Mlecchas from the West and the forces of Shambhala led by the Kulika Rudrachakrin, as is found in the Buddhist recension of the "Kalachakra Tantra". The Bonpo canon also possesses a variant recension of this "Kalachakra Tantra", but it is said to be incomplete and it is classified as Kriya Tantra rather than Anuttara Tantra, as is the case in the Buddhist system."

"This land is said to be inhabited by Vidyadharas (rig-'dzin) or holders of esoteric knowledge. It is in this world, but not quite of it. It is part of our physical geographical world because it is located in Tazig, yet it partly exists in another spiritual dimension, and although material, it is in a certain sense imperishable and indestructible."....

"Tazig was said to have been inhabited by the "sTag-gzig hos rigs", the royal race (rgyal rigs) of the "Hos" or Persians (the Chinese "Hu"). But in an even earlier time the people belonged to the lineage of the "rGyal-bu 'thing-ge". And in the "Ma-rgyud" is found the story of the emperor Gyer-wer of Tazig who ruled most of the known world.".....

"The country is divided by rivers, chiefly nine in number, which flow into the four directions. From the foot of the sacred mountain flow four great rivers of special importance, originating from four springs that issue forth from four rocks having the shapes of symbolic animals. The river Nara arises from a spring in a lion-shaped rock (sen-ge kha 'babs) and flows to the east. The river Pakshu arises from a spring in a horse shaped rock (rta mchog kha 'babs) and flows to the north. The river Kyim-shang arises from a spring in a peacock-shaped rock (rma bya kha 'babs) and flows to the west. And the river Sindhu arises from a spring in an elephant-shaped rock (glang-chen kha 'babs) and flows to the south."

from the simulacrum of a snowlion the river Narazara flows from the East;
from the simulacrum of a horse the river Pakshi flows from the North;
from the simulacrum of a peacock the river Gyim Shang flows from the West; and
from the simulacrum of an elephant the river Sindhu flows from the South.

"The land is filled with a complex pattern of shining cities, temples and palaces, parks and pleasure groves, lakes and bathing pools, like the descriptions of Shambhala found in the Buddhist tradition. It is truly an earthly paradise. Around the base of the sacred mountain in the center are literally hundreds of cities, palaces, and temples, but among them there are four, which are especially important. To the east of the mountain is the shining white temple of Shampo Lhatse (sham-po lha rtse). To the south is the great palace of Barpo Sogyad (bar-po so-brgyad) where Tonpa Shenrab's had lived and he was born. To the west is the palace of Trimon Gyalzhad (khri-smon rgyal-bzhad), where the chief queen of Tonpa Shenrab, Ho-za Gyalzhadma (Hos-bza* rGyal-bzhad-ma) had lived and where three of his children were born, namely, Tobu (gTo-bu), Chyadbu (dPyad-bu), and Ne'u-chen. And to the north is the palace of Khong-ma ne'u-cnung where another one of his queens, Po-za Thangmo (dPo-bza' thang-mo) lived and three more of his children were born, namely, Lungdren (Lung-'dren), Gyuddren (rGyud-'dren), and Ne'u-chung.".....The Founder of Bön and His John Myrdhin Reynolds

"Within the territory of Olmo Lung-ring there are seven royal races (rgyal rigs) and chief among them is the clan of Mushen (dmu-gshen) from which Tonpa Shenrab descended. Thus the word "gshen" is also the name of a clan, as well as the term for a kind of practitioner. Besides the Mushen, there were six more royal races or clans (rgyal rigs) ruling in Olmo Lung-ring: "Hos", "Shag", "dPo", "rGya", "gTo", and "gNyan". There are also classes of ministers, merchants, artisans, commoners, and so on."....

SACRED GEOGRAPHY..."Concerning the relationship between sacred geography and physical geography..."the contours of this sacral geography show remarkable similarities with the mythical 'Ol mo lung ring', surrounded by a wall of mountains." (Blondeau: 103)..

"The Bonpo account of the hidden land of Olmo Lungring is found in the “gZer-mig” and the “gZi-brjid”. There it is explained that Olmoling is physically part of our world and is not an imaginary holy land nor a celestial pure realm like the Sukhavati or Dewachan (bde-ba-can) of the Buddha Amitabha. Symbolically Olmo Lungring is the geographical, psychic, and spiritual center of our world of Jambudvipa (`dzam-bu`i gling) and at its center rises the holy mountain of nine levels, known as Yungdrung Gutseg (g.yung-drung dgu-brtsegs), which links heaven and earth. It is a kind of axis mundi connecting three planes of existence- the heaven worlds, the earth, and the nether regions. Therefore, Olmo Lungring possesses a different ontological status than ordinary geographical regions and countries. In terms of our own age, it is a hidden land or “beyul” (sbas-yul), inaccessible to all but realized beings or Siddhas. This land is said to be inhabited by Vidyadharas (rig-`dzin) or holders of esoteric knowledge. It exists on earth, but it is not an ordinary country or nation which could be observed from an orbiting satellite or sighted from a high flying airplane, for it possesses a special reality all its own. It is in this world, but not quite of it. It is part of our physical geographical world because it is located in Tazig, yet it partly exists in another spiritual dimension, and although material, it is in a certain sense imperishable and indestructible. When, at the end of the kalpa, the world will be destroyed and consumed by fire, Olmo Lungring will spontaneously rise up and ascend into the sky and there it will merge with its celestial archetype in the heavens which is called Sidpa Yesang (srid-pa ye-sangs). Olmo Lungring is truly the imperishable sacred land......Olmo Lungring or Shambhala, this imperishable sacred land, which is the spiritual center of the world, existed on earth from the very beginning of the human race."

"Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring is a non-dual spiritual realm (plane or dimension) of the Bon tradition which resides beyond dualism. It is understood to be a timeless perfected realm where peace and joy are the very fabric of being. This country-name rTa-gzig is believed to be a form of the name Tajik; while the Ol-mo-lung-ring is believed to be a form of the name of the city Olmaliq (now reckoned as being within Uzbekistan, but formerly included within Tajik-istan). The Beyul realm of Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring is fabled to be located to the west of Mount Kailash and shaped like an eight-petaled lotus and divided into four regions: inner, middle, outer and boundary area. The sky of this realm is likened to an eight-spoked wheel (refer Dharmachakra) and the land itself is fragrant and coloured by beautiful flora and landscaping, chorten and snow-capped mountains. Central to Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring is Yungdrung Gutsek, a pyramidal-shaped mountain serving as axis mundi with nine Yungdrungs[2] (refer sauwastika) ascending like a staircase evocative of the Nine Ways (or stages) of Bon. The four faces of the pyramidal mountain, face the four cardinal directions. At the corner-joints of Yungdrung Gutsek (cross-quarter directions) four rivers flow from simulacra of archetypal thoughtforms:
from the simulacrum of a snowlion the river Narazara flows from the East;
from the simulacrum of a horse the river Pakshi flows from the North;
from the simulacrum of a peacock the river Gyim Shang flows from the West; and
from the simulacrum of an elephant the river Sindhu flows from the South.

Okar Research Map.....Click on the map to enlarge.


John Hopkins.....Northern New Mexico….December 2012


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