

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Terma Traditions & Shambala Texts


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"Certain Shambhala practices derive from specific terma texts of Trungpa Rinpoche's such as Letter of the Black Ashe, Letter of the Golden Key that Fulfills Desire, Golden Sun of the Great East, and the Scorpion Seal of the Golden Sun, in long and short versions."..(

"Dorje Lingpa considered himself an incarnation of Vairocana, the eighth century Tibetan adept who is considered to have concealed both Buddhist and Bon treasures and figures prominently in the Dzogchen lineage of both traditions....Dorje Lingpa originated the practice known as “public revelation” (khrom gter), in which an audience is invited to witness the extraction of the treasure object. In 1371, with three hundred people in attendance, he revealed treasure at Orgyen Yiblung Dekyiling (O rgyan yib lung bde skyi gling), and again at Pungtang (spungs thang)."....

"The Collected Tibetan Works (sungbum) of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche includes three kinds of terma: mind treasure, earth treasure, and pure vision. It also contains a “terma address book” for his various terma.....The Vidyadhara’s tertön name is Trakthung Rigdzin Tsalchang (“Heruka Vidyadhara Holder of Power”). Every tertön has a particular sacred site where the terma are found. Even when there are many sites, there is always a primary hub at the center. The site for Trungpa Rinpoche’s terma is a mountain called Kyere Shelkar (“White Face”), where Karma Senge Rinpoche lives. According to the address book, Guru Rinpoche visited this sacred place and blessed it; he called it Ösel Namkhe Photrang (“Palace of Luminosity Sky”). Guru Rinpoche declared that it was inseparable from other great holy sites, such as Uddiyana, Shambhala, and Five Peaked Mountain (Wu Tai Shan) in China.".....

"It is impossible to know the complete intention of Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thaye when he decided to create the Rinchen Terdzö. Because of Padmasambhava’s prophecies that the dharma would suffer a great setback in Tibet during the 20th century, it is conceivable that the five major collections of texts gathered by Jamgön Kongtrül (the Rinchen Terdzö being just one of these) were created in part so that the teachings would not be lost during the difficult times that continue to threaten the continuity of the teachings in our era. Whatever the reason, the Rinchen Terdzö provides a major link to many extraordinary practice traditions that strengthened not only the Nyingma, but all lineages from the 11th century onward. It is a great wonder that the transmission continues. It is said that only one complete copy of the final edited version of the Rinchen Terdzö made it out of Tibet during the Cultural Revolution. There is nothing else like it in the Buddhist world."..

" .....important connections between the Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Namkha Drimed Rinpoche. For example, the Vidyadhara and His Eminence shared visions of Akar Werma, the deity whom the Vidyadhara called Shiwa Ökar. Shiwa Ökar is an important figure in Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s Shambhala termas and in the New Treasures termas discovered by His Eminence.".....The Great River Of Walker Blaine

The Five Pure Lights are also evident in the terma traditions of the Bardo Thodol (Gyurme, et al. 2005) where they are the "coloured lights" of the bardo for example, associated with the different "families" (Sanskrit: gotra) of deities. There are other evocations of the rainbow lights as well in the Bardo Thodol literature such as Namkha Chokyi Gyatso (1806-1821?), the 3rd Dzogchen Ponlop's "Supplement to the Teaching revealing the Natural Expression of Virtue and Negativity in the Intermediate State of Rebirth", entitled Gong of Divine Melody (Tibetan: སཏྲིད་པའི་བར་དོའི་ངོ་སྤྲོད་དགེ་སྡིག་རང་གཟུགས་སྟོན་པའི་ལྷན་ཐབས་དབྱངས་སྙན་ལྷའི་བཎཌཱི, Wylie: strid pa'i bar do'i ngo sprod dge sdig rang gzugs ston pa'i lhan thabs dbyangs snyan lha'i gaND-I[4]), wherein the "mandala of spiralling rainbow lights" Gyurme et al. (2005: p. 339) is associated with Prahevajra. Dudjom, et al. (1991: p. 337) ground the signification of the "mandala of spiralling lights" (Tibetan: འཇོའ་འོད་འཁིལ་བའི་དཀྱིལ་བཧོར, Wylie: 'ja' 'od 'khil ba'i dkyil khor) as seminal to the visionary realization of tögal.

Apauruṣeya....."The Vedas (Sanskrit वेदाः véda, "knowledge") are a large body of texts originating in ancient India. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. The Vedas are apauruṣeya ("not of human agency"). They are supposed to have been directly revealed, and thus are called śruti ("what is heard"), distinguishing them from other religious texts, which are called smṛti ("what is remembered").

"In order to understand the nature of Bon terma (hidden treasures) it is best to understand the nature of the texts that were hidden. These texts are considered to be supernatural and sacred in origin. They are considered to have been taught and transmitted by an earlier Buddha who founded the lineage, Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche, and propagated by the sages. Bon history can viewed in a manner that is similar to the great epics such as the Shah Namah, the Ramayana, and the Gesar Tales. These works are historical epics that take on mythic proportions. The sages of these histories were not mere mortals. These were great heroes of superhuman abilities. These were persona possessing magical skills and extremely long lives. The greatest of these was the teacher and founder Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche. He is said to have always been enlightened. Out of compassion He incarnated into the world system in order to liberate all sentient beings."....

" On the Bonpo Terma tradition, see Samten Karmay, The Treasury of Good Sayings, op. cit. All of the early Terma discoveries of the Bonpos were sa-gter, that is, the actual physical texts written in previous times and concealed in various places of Tibet and Bhutan. Most of the actual discovers of these collections of Terma texts were not learned Lamas, but simple farmers and hunters, who could not have possibly forged these texts. Among the most famous of these early "Tertons" were three Nepali thieves known as the three Atsaras, who in the year 961 CE stole a heavy locked chest from the Cha-ti dmar-po temple at Samye monastery. Escaping into the mountains with their loot, thinking that it contained gold they broke into the chest, but when they opened it, they found only some old texts. Greatly disappointed, they sold these old books to some local village Bonpo Lamas for some gold and a horse.".....

"Both tertons and Vedic or Bonpo rishis cognize wisdom by overthrowing dualistic limitations within consciousness and the wisdom that emerges emerges from a mandala, which emerges from a seed-syllable.".....

" Near Sera Gompa (Nubri Monastery) is the mountain of Tashi Palsang where heart treasures are hidden. These discovered treasures (Ter)** were then reconcealed in the mountain and there continued presence is a protection against war, Terdak Lingpa [Minling Terchen, 1646-1714] discovered Ter here as did Terton Garwang Dorje, who took six scriptures as Ter practices from the mountain before replacing them. The Mirror of the Enlightened Mind of Vajrasattva*** and The Heart Tantra of Padma[sambhava] on Dzogchen**** were both discovered in Kyimo Lung.....According to one of the greatest Tertons, Rigdzin Goddem, many Termas still remain in the mountains of Nubri. Karma Tulku has listed a few: The original 18 Dzogchen Tantras in 5 cycles written in Lapis given by Vajrapani to King Ja."....

"Rig-dzin Jig-med Ling-pa said in his Explanation of the Empowerment of Troling; “In the concealing of the Termas there are four great purposes; to prevent the doctrine from disappearing, the teaching from being adulterated, and the power or blessing from disappearing, and to shorten the lineage of transmission.” The results are fewer obstructions to practice and accomplishments are easy and swift......Some termas are concealed for the auspiousness of the land. If the ter remains in its geographical location “it will repair the decay of the energy or spirit of the area, and will prevent wars, and cut off the path that is frequented by harmful spirits.”.....From Hidden Teaching of Tibet by Tulku Thondup

Tulku Thondup..."Hidden Teaching of Tibet: An Explanation of the Terma Tradition"...1997

"Apauruṣheyā.....In Hinduism, Apaurusheya (IAST: Apauruṣeya), Sanskrit, meaning "not the work of man", is used to describe the Vedas, the main scripture in Hinduism. This implies that the Vedas are not authored by human but were divine creation. Apaurusheya shabda ("words not created by mankind") is an extension of apaurusheya which refers to the Vedas."


John Hopkins.....Northern New Mexico….December 2012


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