

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Shambhala Research....Partial References ...November 2012


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Acta Iranica 25.....Leiden:1985
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Humbach, Helmut..."Mithra in India"...Acta Iranica # 17.....Leiden: 1978
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Karmay..."Treasury of Good Sayings"...1972
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Keay, John..."When Men and Mountains Meet"...1977
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Kharitidi, Olga..."Entering the Circle: A Russian Psychiatrist's Journey Into Siberian Shamanism"...1996
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Kuznetsov, B.I...."Highest Deities of the Tibetan Bon Religion"...Tibet Journal:#6
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Laufer, Berthold....."Persian Loan Words in Tibetan"...Sino-Tibetan Studies (Vol 2)...New Delhi:1987
Lawrence, Drew...."The Way of Kings: The Vedic Traditions"...1991
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Lieu, Samuel N.C...."Religion of Light: Manichaeism in China"...Centre of Asian Studies: Hong Kong:1979
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John Hopkins.....Northern New Mexico….June 2014


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