

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

'Od gSal Lha & The Shambhala Deities


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In the Shambhala tradition, one works more closely with the higher beings.".....CTR

'Od gSal......."Ösel (tib. hod-gsal; 'od gsal), the Yoga of the Clear Light (often translated as 'Radiant Light' (Sanskrit: prabhasvara), referring to the 'intrinsic purity' (Tibetan: ka-dag) of the substratum of the 'mindstream' (Tibetan: sems-rgyud) is a sadhana found in Vajrayana and Bön centered on the state of luminous clarity. Many versions, derivatives and accretions of the sadhana are extant. Ösel is generally included amongst the Six Yogas of Naropa and its sister tradition the Six Yogas of Niguma. Ösel is also an experience of 'rigpa' the 'reflexive apperception' (Sanskrit: Svasaṃvedana, Wylie: rang rig pa) of the midstream.....In a key scholarly collaborative Nyingmapa translation work published in 2005, furthermore notable as the first complete rendering of the Bardo Thodol into the English language from the Tibetan, this technical term was configured into English as "Inner Radiance".".....Fremantle, Francesca (2001). Luminous Emptiness: Understanding the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Shiwa Okar © Cynthia Moku......'A Western Woman’s Journey as Painter of the Lha: The Noble Conquerors' Cynthia Moku

"Ölmo Lungring or Shambhala, this imperishable sacred land, which is the spiritual center of the world, existed on earth from the very beginning of the human race. It was the place where the celestial gods of the Clear Light (`od gsal lha) descended from heaven to earth in order to take up incarnation as human beings and ensoul the physical bodies which had been prepared for them.".....

"The Tibetans have very complicated linkages and overlappings among the protector gods of the person, the protector gods of lineages (male, female, maternal uncle) and the different masters of the place or territory." (Blondeau: ix)...

'The Indo-Europeans with their devotion to celestial deities, continued to encounter peoples whose religious beliefs looked downward to the chthonic powers of the earth." (Hawkes: 167).

Linguists are able to reconstruct the names of some deities in the Proto-Indo-European language (PIE) from many types of sources. The term for "a god" was *deiwos, reflected in Hittite, sius; Latin, deus, Sanskrit deva; Avestan, daeva (later, Persian, divs); Welsh duw; Irish dia, Lithuanian, Dievas; Latvian, Dievs.
Dyēus Ph2tēr is the god of the day-lit sky and the chief god of the Indo-European pantheon. The name survives in Greek Zeus with a vocative form Zeu pater; Latin Jūpiter (from the archaic Latin Iovis pater; Diēspiter), Sanskrit Dyáus Pitā, and Illyrian Dei-pátrous.

"The idea that sky divinities were male and earth divinities female is in general accord with Indo-European cosmologies." (Campbell: 155)

Bönpo cosmogony describes groups of deities of Light and Darkness. ...The highest ranking deities are:
- Kuntu Zangpo (Kun-tu bZang-po) he is the Bön sku - Bönku - Dharmakaya)
- Shenlha Ökar / gShen-lha 'od-dkar (Dzogku - rDzogs-sku - Sambhogakaya -Perfect Sphere)
- Tönpa Shenrab - Tulku (sprul-sku)- Nirmanakaya - who is the Teacher (sTön-pa) of this present world age.
The most important female deity is Jamma (Byams-ma), the “Loving Mother”, also known as Satrig Ersang (Sa-trig Er-sangs).
Among the guardian deities, known as the Dharma`s Protectors (bKa`-skyong), the most important are:
- Sidpai Gyalmo (Srid-pa`i Gyal-mo: “Queen of Existence”, the female guardian of the Bönpo teachings)
- Midud or Midud Jampa Traggo (Mi-bdud `bYams-pa Khrag-mgo: the male guardian of Menri monastery)
- Tsengo Hurpa (bTsan-rgod Hur-pa).

"The Kurgan ideology (Indo-European mythology) exhalted virile, heroic warrior gods of the shining and thunderous sky." (Eisler: 48)...

The inner dralas are divided into the mother and father lineages. The father lineage represents fearlessness. ( 175)

"The veneration of your ancestral lineage can be a sign of respect for the accumulated wisdom of your culture." (Trungpa: 95)

"Most of the Tibetan gods whose origin is not Indian can be traced back to the parents and the eighteen brothers and sisters."..(Karmay: 1975)

Proto-Indo-Iranians worshiped many gods including several ‘nature gods’ such as Asman, the Lord of sky (Aseman in modern Persian), Zam, the earth goddess (Zamin in modern Persian) and the sun and the moon, Hvar and Mah (khorshid & Mah in modern Persian). There were two gods of the Wind, Vata and Vayu, the wind that blows and the wind that brought the rain-clouds. Vata the rain-bringer was associated with ‘Harahvati Aredvi Sura’, the Sanskrit Sarasvati meaning ‘Possessing waters’. She personified a mythical river, held to pour down from a great sea called in Avesta, Vourukasha, meaning ‘of many bays’ and all rivers flow out of this sea. Tishtrya, meaning ‘the God of the Dog Star’ protected the clouds that brought rain. Every year he goes to the shores of Vourukasha in the shape of a splendid white stallion and fights the Demon of Dearth, Apaosha in shape of a black stallion. Then he rushes into the sea and the waves through encounter with Tishtrya produced water in abundance. Vata snatches the waters up into the clouds and scatters it all over the ‘the haft kashvar’ (seven countries). Zoroastrians had a major celebration for Tishtrya around 13th of Farvardin the time Iranians celebrate as Seezdeh be-dar, and till 19th century there were horse races on this day. This very likely was a reminiscent of ancient festivals re-enacting the myth of the battle of the stallions. Iranians still make offerings to the water on the 13th of Farvardin by throwing their ‘Sabzeh’ (green growth, a plant offering) into the waters.

the deities of the proto-Indo-Iranian, Vedic, Zoroastrian, Bönpo, Bө Murgel and Tibetan Buddhist pantheons such as Mithra-Ahura, Mitravaruna, Ahura Mazda and Hormuzd Yazad, Nyipangse, Hormusta Tengeri, Pehar and so on.

A BON sTAG LHA ME BHAR..."Tiger God of the Burning Fire...A bon sTag lha me bhar"..(Nebesky: 156)...

AESIR...Norse Sky-God

AGNI..."In the Vedas there is an intimate connection between Apam Napat (Child of the Waters) and Agni (Fire)." (Malandra: 89)...

AHURA MAZDA...."In Sasanian circles Ahura Mazda was not portrayed in anthropomorphic terms, with instead fire serving as a direct symbol for him." (Scott: 60)...

Asura is a conjunction of two Sanskrit words, A meaning not or against and Sura meaning god.

"Avestan ahura derives from Indo-Iranian *asura, also attested in an Indian context as RigVedic asura. As suggested by the similarity to the Old Norse æsir, Indo-Iranian *asura may have an even earlier Indo-European root. It is commonly supposed that Indo-Iranian *Asura was the proper name of a specific divinity, with whom other divinities were then identified. For not altogether obvious reasons, the Oxford English Dictionary lists asura, rather than ahura, as a Zoroastrian term.

ANU..."the Sumerian sky god Anu had his main seat of worship at Uruk."..(Hawkes: 78)...

ARKA..."At the pleasant bank of the Candrabhaga River, a city for Sambha is situated. There lies the abode of the Sun God (Arka) who is standing there with the twelth part of himself (in the form of) Mitra with the Mitra eye." (Humbach: 236)..."Dawa Sangpo, the first of the seven Saka Kings of Shambhala is also known as Rigden Chandrabadra. (Bryant: 1992)...

ASUR..."Mesopotamian national war god...12th Century BC...Tigris River north of Susa..."The Assyrian sky-god Asur seems to have borrowed his winged disk symbol from the Babylonian Samas."..(Campbell: 93)..."Ashur was an eagle headed winged deity." Photo in Mackenzie, pg 345)...

BELENUS....Celtic god...bel=bright....

CHRONOS..."It is in the work of Pherecydes (544 BC) that the first literary presentation of a primordial divinity of time (Chronos) is to be found. (Boyce: 150)...

DASE...(mda gsas: Arrow Deities)...ten thousand men who took on the task of sustaining heroism in deities and men." (Norbu: 165)...

DBANG THANG GI LHA....33 Gods of the Wangthang (dbang thang gi lha)..(Nebesky: 327)...30 deities of the wangthang (dbang thang gi lha)..(Norbu: 66)...

GENIUS....In ancient Roman religion, the genius was the individual instance of a general divine nature that is present in every individual person, place, or thing....Each individual place had a genius (genius loci) and so did powerful objects, such as volcanoes. The concept extended to some specifics: the genius of the theatre, of vineyards, and of festivals, which made performances successful, grapes grow, and celebrations succeed, respectively. It was extremely important in the Roman mind to propitiate the appropriate genii for the major undertakings and events of their lives.....Genii were often viewed as protective spirits, as one would propitiate them for protection.....Hundreds of lararia, or family shrines, have been discovered at Pompeii, typically off the atrium, kitchen or garden, where the smoke of burnt offerings could vent through the opening in the roof.

HELIOS....a straightforward Indo-European Sun God. Deity of the Island of Rhodes in Greece...."Emperor Julian: Our forefathers, from the time of the divine King Numa, paid great reverence to the God Helios." (Hawkes: 263)..."Like the Homeric Helios, Mithra was the God of Light, the Sun, All-Seeing." (Vermaseren: 14)...

IAKCHOS...Elusinian divinity

INDRA...."The arrogant, drunken warrior and storm-god Indra."...(James: 75)...

KALA...."In the Atharvaveda, Kala ('Time') is said to have generated the sky and the earth. In the 7th century BC in the Phoenician region, a myth about a God of Time...which may have reached India." (Boyce: 152)...

KHYILCHER PHUWER...."Khyilcher Phuwer (dkyil che phu wer) is the foremost deity of the Cha, that protects and sustains a person's cha." (Norbu: 65)...

KASHMIR..."King Kalasa (1063-1089) of Kashmir awaited his death before an image of the Sun God (Martanda)." (Acta: 250)...

KILA...."Vajra Kila, one of the names of Shiva." (David-Neel: 106)

MAO..."A natural partner in the Iranian world to the solar Mithra was the lunar god Mao." (Scott: 58)...

MAHESVARA...(Tib: dbang phyung-chen-po....Great Lord)..Name of a god. (Nalanda: 355)...

MAITREYA...."child of Maitri"

MIHIRA..."According to the Samba-Purana, 18 members of the Maga caste of Sakadvipa (Sakastan=Sistan) migrated to India to worship the anthropomorphic image of a sun god named Mihira." (Humbach: 1978)...

MI LUS BSAM LEGS...revealor of the Bon Mother Tantras ("Human Body Good Thought").

MITHRA...(Middle Persian: Mihr)..."essentially a deity of light. He draws the sun with his horses and resides at the summit of Mt Hara. Has a clear significance as a warrior god. He is the guardian of Asha (truth and order)." (Eliade: 1987..Vol 9)....."On the map of Shambhala, this is evidently a region of Mithra, the Persian God of Light, whose cult later penetrated into Tibet as the Bon religion."..(Kuznetsov: 571)... "Mithra was the Persian God of the Sun who had the same attributes as the Manichaen Deity of Light (Middle Persian: Pydr Rwsn) (Litvinsky: 413)..."In the Mahabharata, the 108 names of the Sun, include Mithra as one of the 12 Adityas or forms of the sun."...(Humbach: 243)...first appears in 1400 BC..."Was a young God, beautiful as the day, clothed in Phrygian garb. Mithras is perhaps the oldest known name for the sun and is found in the Rig Veda. The name means friend."(Canney: pg 244)..."Mithra is young. His eye is the sun. The rays of the sun are his arms. He wears glistening garments. His abode is golden. He is a king and a universal monarch. Mithra is ever waking and watches in darkness." (Gershevitch: 1959 pg 4, 31)...The Avestan Hymn to Mithra dates at least to the 5th century BC. He was worshipped as far back as the 14th century BC."(Gershvitch: 30)...Mithra was especially venerated by the Kushans...."Mithra looks at people without blinking, that is without closing his watchful eyes for the fraction of a moment. He overlooks the whole country...all that is between heaven and earth...even before the sun rises." (Acta: 1978)

MUKPO RONG...."sMug po rong...brought sMug po rong as its pho lha from Tibet. The iconography of the god: His body is white and radiates all the colors of the rainbow. Sun and moon rotate around his head. Holds a spear with a white flag. Rides a horse with a saddle of gold and turquoise. His yum (consort) is called sMan btsun 'Od gsal bzang mo rgyal. He is followed by four ministers (blon chen)." (Blondeau: 125)...

"NINE Primordial Males"...(Norbu: 166)...."The first three of the Nine Brothers are known as the three Phywa, Srid and Skos."..(Norbu: 274)....

NYENCHEN TANGLHA...(gnyan chen thang lha)..."Name of a mountain range north of Lhasa and the abode of the deity of the same name. Subjugated by Padmakara, he is an important protector."..(Nalanda: 358 & 250)...

NYI NYA.....(nyi'u nya)...'Lord of the Werma'..(Norbu: 1995: pg 245)..."He was called 'heroic' (dpa chen) Werma Nyinya and was the fount of four distinct ritual traditions."..(Norbu: 55)..."Nyinya: a miraculous man with lion's head, lynx's ears, fierce face with an elephant's trunk, mouth of a chusin, tigers fangs, flaming horns"..( 55) ...

"NYIPANGSE: variously referred to as a tsen (bstan), a gyalpo (rgyal po = king) or a drapla (sgra bla). The name Nyi pang se is in the Shang Shung language. Se is a Shangshung word for God. Nyi refers to the sun. (Kvaerne: 395)
..."Nyipangse is depicted as a great king, wearing a white turban, astride a white horse, bearing a banner of silk. He is said to be able to appear in different forms under different names, 'remaining neither here nor there'.(Lopez: 1997)

OD GSAL LHA....gods of light

OD ZER IDAN....Od-zer ldan..(The Bright One, Radiant One)...from the primordial god emanated a white man..."there was Luminous Vision (sNang ba 'od idan) and there was Radiant Darkness (Mun pa zer idan)"..(Norbu: 177)...

OETOSYRUS...God of the sun especially revered by Massagetae and Saka. Ancient Iranian. (Rudenko: 290)...

PAPAEUS..."Scythian (Saka) god of the sky" (Rudenko: 1970)...

PERNAKCHEN...(t: ber-nag-can)...the central mahakala of the Karma Kagyu)

SANGS PO BUM KHRI...Sangs-po bum khri: "the world ruling God" (Hoffman: 106)..."Sidpa Sangpo Bumtri, a divine manifestation in human form. The King of Existence, of plentitude, of the good (dkar: white) and of virtue." (Norbu: 166)..."Srid pa Sangs po 'bum khri, an emanation of Khri rgyal khug pa, Lord of Light and positive creation (ye) fathered the "Nine Brothers and Nine Sisters" each of whom had a precise task...

SEU RUCHIG.....According to Mipham's Juthig, the 'unicorn' drala Seu Ruchig (bse'u ru gcig) is one of the most important manifestations among Drala and Werma."..(Norbu: 56)...

SHAMASH OLAM..."the Sun of Eternity, appears in Phoenician inscriptions of the 9th century BC." (Boyce: 151)...

SHIVA...(Siva, Shiwa) of the most complex gods of India. Consort of Uma (Shakti). Dwells on Mt Kailasa. The bull Nandi. Fundamental form as a linga. White, 3 eyes, garland of skulls, with trident and small hand drum. Invocation daily at sunrise....."Vajra Kila, one of the names of Shiva." (David-Neel..1981: pg 106)........Thus as for the host of Rigden Drakpo, all these, after all the host of the Lalos has been conquered, Shiva, etc. and their retinues, attaining rigden-hood, on the mountain Kailasha, going to the god-built city Kaalaapa. They abide as wheel havers: with the basis of wheel having they will become such beings Pemachen says they become the 5 eyes of Kaalachakra. So it is explained....Kalchakra Commentary

TERTIUS LEGATUS...Manichaean. the third messenger. Gathers together all the fragments of light still trapped in matter.

THORSE (thor gsas)..."Scattered deities: 360 men of light who took on the task of protecting virtuous actions." (Norbu: 165)...

ULKAR...."the Altaic word for the Great Spirit was Ulgen, which was derived from Ulkar, which is also the Altaic word for the constellation Pleides."..(Kharatidi: 223)...

VARUNA...."The Medes and Persians appear to have been devout adherents from of old of the Ahuric Religion. The huge popularity of Varuna in western Iran may have its origins in the old pre-Zorastrian faith." (Boyce: 17)...

VEMACITRA...a Parthian god ('rock-born')

VOHU MANAH...("Good Thought") Zorastrianism, one of the seven emanations of Ahura (Asura) Mazda, the supreme god.

YAHWEH......."The roots of American Yuletide customs are manifold and fascinating. I will concentrate here on just two major points: that the Christmas tree was originally a symbol of the Canaanite goddess Asherah and that Santa Claus is an avatar of Asherah’s consort, the high god ‘El, who is equivalent to the Israelite Yahweh. The coniferous Christmas tree, whether real or stylized (made of metal or plastic), is customarily hung with bright votive offerings: tinsel, metallic globes, colored lights, etc. Small figurines of humans and animals may also adorn the shrub. The custom of decorating a Christmas tree is very old, as shown by a second-century C.E. description of Syrian practice: Of all the festivals …the greatest is the one they hold at the beginning of [winter]...... Some call it “Fire-Festival,” others “Lamp Festival.” During the festival they sacrifice like this: They chop down large trees and stand them in the courtyard. Then they drive in goats, sheep and other livestock and hang them alive from the trees. In the trees are also birds, clothes, and gold and silver artifacts. When they have made everything ready, they carry the sacred objects around the trees and throw fire in, and everything is immediately burnt. Here we find customs still recognizable: selection of a tree, lopping it off at the base and erecting it for a cultic purpose, hanging it with anything valuable, bright or globular—and, finally, burning it as the “Yule log.” Suspending animals, dead or alive, is mercifully no longer customary, although one still finds symbolic reindeer, teddy bears, troll dolls, etc., adorning many a spruce. Scholars agree that the sacred tree was a symbol of the great ancient Near Eastern Mother Goddess. Many believe that the Israelite God, Yahweh, was no old bachelor, that in fact, he had a consort—the goddess Asherah.3 For example, an inscription on a pithos (large storage jar) from Kuntillet ‘Ajrud in the Negev wilderness reads, “I bless you by Yahweh of Samaria and by his Asherah.” My own carbon-14 analysis of the ink yields a date in late December 799 B.C.E.! Evidently the text was a seasonal blessing, a sort of Hallmark card. Asherah’s symbol was a tree, upon which one might hang garments (2 Kings 23:7 mentions that women wove hangings for Asherah). The resemblance to a Christmas tree could not be more striking. Asherah’s mate, the chief of the Canaanite pantheon, was named ’El, or “the God.” As is generally recognized, the Bible’s descriptions of Yahweh, are heavily influenced by ’El.5

YE SMON RGYAL PO...Sidpa Yemon Gyelpo (Ye smon rgyal po) King of the Primordial Aspiration..forefather of positive existence and of light (ye) from which humanity is descended (Norbu: 70)..."Ye smon rgyal po: father of the four powerful, divine princes, the Lords of Lungta of the four directions." (Norbu: 70)..

ZA.... god of lightning, electricity, psychological energy, planetary influences...

ZEUS...Greek Supreme Sky God (Vedic: Dyaus Pitar, Latin: Jupiter)

The Indo-Aryanized Huns were fervent worshippers of the Sun God and of Shiva.

OHRMAZD..."In the evolution of the cosmos from a semen-like substance to expansion forward into light, Ohrmazd was a mother in the creating of creation, but was a father in the principle of creation." (Campbell: 157)...

"The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunna, Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures (i.e. Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian). The name is variously written "da-nuna", "da-nuna-ke4-ne", or "da-nun-na", meaning something to the effect of "those of royal blood" or "princely offspring....The Anunnaki appear in the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish. In the late version magnifying Marduk, after the creation of mankind, Marduk divides the Anunnaki and assigns them to their proper stations, three hundred in heaven, three hundred on the earth."...

"Igigi was a term used to refer to the gods of heaven in Sumerian mythology. Though sometimes synonymous with the term "Annunaki," in one myth the Igigi were the younger gods who were servants of the Annunaki, until they rebelled and were replaced by the creation of humans.".....

Khumban is the Elamite god of the sky. His sumerian equivalent is Anu. Several Elamite kings, mostly from the Neo-Elamite period, were named in honour of Khumban.

"In Egypt Darius built many temples and restored those that had previously been destroyed. Even though Darius was a Zoroastrian, he built temples dedicated to the Gods of the Ancient Egyptian religion. Several temples found were dedicated to Ptah and Nekhbet. Darius also created several roads and routes in Egypt. The monuments that Darius built were often inscribed in the official languages of the Persian Empire, Old Persian, Elamite and Babylonian and Egyptian hieroglyphs."....Shahbazi, Shapur (1996), "Darius I the Great", Encyclopedia Iranica, 7,


John Hopkins.....Northern New Mexico….November 2012


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